
Chapter 32

Darrelle's POV

I laid there my hand around her waist, as I spooned her, my front pressed against her back. The smell of her hair invading my nose as the light from the moon shined through the curtains.

"Are you asleep?" She whispered and I smiled.

"No, I'm still up." I replied pulling her closer to me, her ass pressing against my member that has been hard for the last ten minutes.

"I was feeling it before, you didn't have to pull me closer." She whispered amused and I smiled kissing her neck.

"Since we're awake-"

"I'm not in the mood." She said laughing slightly and I groaned kissing her neck once more.

"When have you not been in the mood?"

"My grandmother is in the room behind us." She reminded, pressing her ass back into me.

"So stop doing that then." I replied chuckling and she did it once more rubbing her ass against my member.

"Why?" She asked amused and I smiled, moving my hand under her shirt, kneading her breast.

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