
Chapter 39

Not only the appearance changed due to this ability, but also the DNA, and this, among other things, gives a lot. I can use someone else's fingerprints, retinas, and even cover my tracks at a crime scene. This is exactly what Hannibal did, a good way to earn extra money and stay unscathed. In addition, thanks to my knowledge of the Canon, I can do a lot with this ability.

Of course, the second flaw slightly spoiled the picture, but it was not critical. I, unlike the Faceless one, simply could not preserve the memory of the appearance of others. He could turn into everyone he ever touched, but I didn't. I need to touch a certain person and within two hours I can assume their appearance, and when the transformation is over, I can no longer transform into them until I touch them again. It was unpleasant, but bearable. One touch is enough for me to copy, but the person must be whole. If I touch a severed body part or a piece of flesh, the transformation won't work. A person should be "complete" if you can say so. Of course, if he is disabled and he lacks something, such as a hand, it is not critical, I will still be able to take his form.

In General, there were only three problems: two hours of time for the ability, not remembering appearances, and of course the inability to copy the victim's belongings. The shortcomings were not critical, but I think this is not a problem, the Faceless one still has enough bone marrow. I'll finish with his entire brain and run another check. Maybe one of the problems will be solved then.

I had the idea to leave it here for about a month so that the brain would recover again and I checked it again. I was wondering how his ability would be enhanced if I took as much brain as last time. Will I be able to increase my ability indefinitely in this way? It was a good idea, but almost impossible. The human body will not be able to survive the constant loss of bone marrow, and it will probably die. It can withstand two losses, but probably not the third. From the Weather Wizard, I drained the brain as much as it will take months to recover if it is divided into parts. So I didn't want to spend months doing this. After all, the shortest time to restore such a volume that I took from Faceless is at least a month. In General, because of these two problems, I postponed the idea of such an experience for later. I'll find a more useful meta person and check on them. I'll take the Faceless one's abilities now, there's nothing good to lose. It's a pity his meat will have to be thrown away, but nothing can be done. Even if I eat all of its flesh, it won't give me the ability, only satisfy my hunger. Although I may be wrong, I'll check later, but not on it...

I recently had a good chance to pick up Barry right along with Faceless, but of course I didn't, and I wanted to... I can't imagine I could with his strength, or even half of it. But it wasn't just past reasons that stopped me. Like the Flash's good for the world and for me. But also a new one that haunted me. What will happen after absorbing his powers? What will I become? Speedforce is not just a meta force, it can be said to be a force to be connected to. With the loss of which, all forces disappear, maybe temporarily, but they disappear. Without a connection to speedforce, I just can't use it. So after absorbing Barry's powers, what happens? Do I get part of his connection, or do I get nothing at all? Or maybe I'll be fast, but without speedforce? Supergirl is fast, but has no connection to the speed force...Will we share the same connection with speedforce? And will Barry be able to influence my connection? If I remember correctly, in the comics, inertia was a clone of Bart Allen and used his connection, and The latter was able to disconnect him from speedforce without any problems. I hope this doesn't happen to me, although there are different rules in this universe, maybe it will be different... Okay, this may be a nuisance, but it doesn't bother me as much as the problem of hunger. It's because of him that I'm afraid to take power from Barry, or any of the other speedsters. What will happen to my appetite? Will I get hungrier, just like Barry did? To maintain all its strength, it feeds many times more than ordinary people. For me, it's like this: my hunger keeps growing as I get stronger. Not only do I need to eat more, but the intervals between meals are shortened each time I get a new boost. After absorbing the forces associated with speed, what happens? What if my hunger increases so much that I can't satisfy it? This prospect scares me a little, so it's worth waiting for speed, you need to find a solution to the main problem –hunger. Now, I'm done with the Faceless one...

After cutting his bones and collecting all the remaining liquid as quickly as possible, I poured it into a vessel and quickly began to drink. By constantly eating people's meat and brains, the bone marrow wasn't so bad anymore, so I drank it all in one gulp without even making a face. Yeah, you can get used to it...

When I was done with the bone marrow, I went to the bathroom that had been prepared in advance and made myself comfortable.

Immediately, I felt a slight burning sensation in my eyes, and then the pain all over my body began to increase. Only this time other parts of my body hurt, mostly my skin, but I waited and waited. After a while, I lost consciousness...


- Kha... I got up slowly and went into the shower to wash everything off.- This time there was even less of this liquid, and the smell was slightly fainter, but it was still unpleasant.

After cleaning up the slime, I cleaned up after myself and breathed a sigh of relief.

I was kind of fine, feeling much better than ever. After amplification, it's always like this... Well, since everything is normal, I will check my strength again, I hope the changes will be good.

When I touched the same guy again, I immediately assumed his form. I did this many times, so I started to do it even without concentration. Just one touch and I already look different. Unfortunately, things weren't copied, but I didn't feel as uncomfortable as before. In the past, it felt like I was out of my depth and my skin was a little sore, but now it wasn't. I can say that I perfectly took on someone else's appearance.

Well, I'll check everything else and we can finally clean up Hannibal's body, because it's already starting to decompose...

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