

Diluc had returned to the bonfire, this time he returned a victor. However, he didn't have a sense of fulfillment.

His victory felt quite empty, he knew he'd be able to kill anyone as long as he put the effort and time in so why should he even feel proud about it? He was the strongest whether he wanted to be or not.

He'd have to find other ways to keep himself from going insane.

He made his way to his corpse and retrieved the souls which had been bolstered by the Dancer's rewards and lit the bonfire.

He finished his time in the Dark Souls universe by lying down where he fought the Dancer and rested.

Diluc woke up like usual and did his usual morning routine.

Him and the girls watched television for a while together as well. As always, the heroes dominated the news stations. 'All-Might' this and 'Endeavour' that, it was all so boring to hear day in and day out.

Obviously, those who became villains just wanted to bring a little enjoyment to the screen for everyone to watch at home, right?

All the children of the household left for school after Izuku had worked out a bit and wrote some hero stuff in his notebook.

Every now and then, Diluc was take a look at the notebook. Without exception, he was always surprised about the additions.

Izuku was always list the quirk, build and personality of the hero or villain in question. He would list all potential strengths and weaknesses of the quirk and how to exploit them to the highest degree. In fact, Diluc was sure that Izuku could use their quirks better than they could after a little experience with them.

For example, could use his overwhelming strength to throw small pebbles towards villains. It would save time running over and punching, it was inexpensive and as long as he didn't aim towards the legs without hitting arteries, it would result in an instant takedown.

Or Bakugo who could store his sweat and possibly explode them at a distance or throw a glass of his sweat and use it as a grenade. Even if it didn't work, he would still have a bottle of his sweat that he could pour on himself at any time and cause a massive explosion.

He also listed the weaknesses in case any hero 'defected to the dark side' and became a villain, the notebook would allow anyone to beat mid-tier heroes by utilizing every-day items.

In short, Izuku is overpowered. His obsession with heroes and villains turned into a powerful weapon he and Diluc can exploit in the future.

The day at school went as boring as you'd expect, it served as a great nap time for Diluc though.

He soon returned home and a time skip happened because it'll be more of the same for the next couple of years.

Although he hasn't gotten much older, Diluc's body had certainly gotten more defined.

This is par for the course considering the number of times he had leveled up.

Firstly, he had completely destroyed the Dragon Slayer Armour and Oceiros in the same night.

That was a lie.

The Dragon Slayer was only less infuriating to fight than Pontiff himself.

Dealing with armor that came to life and possessed the powers of Zeus? Completely fine, very easy to defeat.

Dealing with armor with multiple death butterflies guarding it? Hell on Earth.

No matter what he did, no matter how he dodged, in the end, he'd always get destroyed by a barrage of whatever those butterflies shoot out.

They didn't pause to reload or pause because of pity or even to avoid hitting the armor they were supposed to be protecting, they were brutal to the extreme.

The number of times he had to go up the elevator to get back to the boss was astonishing.

In the end, the way he defeated this scum of the Earth was to only dodge. He wasn't able to get any attacks in because of the constant barrage and the amor fighting back, so he had to manipulate the butterflies to hit the armor.

Whenever a volley would come at him, Diluc was use the armor as a shield. Sometime, this meant giving the armor a good old bear hug. Which would be nice if it didn't retaliate with an even more crushing bear hug added with a little lightning.

Beating this boss was like telling Bob Ross his paintings suck. Technically it was possible to do, however, when you came face-to-face with it, you aren't able to.

After killing the Dragon Slayer armor, Diluc had obtained the Dragonslayer Greataxe, which has one of if not the most damage potential for one attack.

(A.N. I haven't forgotten about other boss souls, there just hasn't been a notable one for his playstyle yet.)

He then proceeded to climb the library. The most notable thing which occurred was him killing the Crystal Sage that held the crystal scroll.

This scroll opened a large variety of damaging spells including Homing Crystal Soulmass, Crystal Soul Spear and Crystal Magic Weapon. These would allow his magic damage to skyrocket.

Instead of going to throw hands with the Twin Princes which would no doubt be a massive pain in the ass, Diluc decided to go and fight Oceiros first.

Making his way to the dark depths of the Anor Castle was a chore. Not because of the enemies he had to fight, but because of the swamp that flooded his shoes with poison mud that slowed him down which in turn allowed more poison mud to flock to him.

By the time he had gotten to the boss room of Ocerios, he had already drunk two of his healies.

And the fight of the Consumed King and the Ashen One had begun.

I have 10 advanced chapters on my pat reon.

https://www.pat reon.com/BillNyeTheHentaiGuy

Quick notice in case anyone is worried; All chapters of all of my novels will be made public at some point. When the novel is finished, you won't need to pay to get the last 10 chapters.

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