
Cyrus's anger (2)


"Let's go to your favorite place and have your favorite food. Okay? After that we shall go to the mall and play some games," Esther said trying to cheer him up. As a kid, he would like them. She looked at him with hopeful eyes. 

"Really?" Reggie asked feeling delighted. His eyes sparkled with stars. The way his mother was showing her undivided attention to him and was trying to play with him made him feel happy. Finally, his mommy will be with him. 

"Yes yes," Esther nodded with a big smile on her face. She can rest assured that there was nothing wrong with her son it was just a wrong call to her. 

"Stay with our gooduuuu daddy. I will talk to uncle ben and uncle Nicholas," Esther said as she tried to put him down but he was not budging from her embrace. She frowned at him. Left with no choice she picked him again. Cyrus's anger was building little by little at his son's actions. This was so absurd behavior for him. 

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