


"A personal question from me," the host said breaking the PDA session. 

"Ask away," Esther permitted. 

"Do you ever have problems with CEO Vritra about your past relationships? How is your relationship with him?" the host asked. 

"That makes two questions," Esther pointed with a smile. Her red eyes gleamed with mischievousness. 

The host scratched the back of his nape. 

"Arthur…. I wish I  was not naive that I got manipulated by his parents and family. I wish I realized it sooner. I regretted marrying him. I grew up and standing here and am with Cyrus… indirectly he is the reason. If not for Arthur… I don't know how to cherish Cyrus. Cyrus is the best thing I can ever have. He loves me immensely. If I ask him, he will swim in a volcano too. Where can I find a man like him? 

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