
Trying to have a chat with Angry Esther (2)

Cyrus grinned smugly at her, and her tiny smile vanished. She grabbed him by the arm and hauled him up the stairs to her study, ignoring his muffled grunts of protest.

She sat him across from her and took a seat at her desk, looking every bit of a CEO's wife that she was. Only more intimidating than he could really ever be.

"First of all," she began. "I told you that we would talk later. Why would you text me again when I clearly told you that yes, we would talk? Just a little later because I had to see my son off to school, which you clearly were unable to do." She said the last part with a pointed glare, referring to his lacking behavior as a father to their child the past two days.

"Well…" Cyrus trailed off, deciding to tell her the exact reason why. "You women say one thing but mean another. I just assumed-"

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