
C74 Bald Electrician

*Only one chapter today. Feel free to let out your sorrow.*

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 89. I'll be writing and posting at least 2 chapters tonight.


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While Tom was pondering over whether to reveal another secret or not, the Ancient One was looking over all of his stolen equipment.

"Where did you get all of this?" She asks.

"Umm, I bought it." Tom says, taking a moment to come up with a good excuse.

"Really, from where?" She continues to question.

"From a couple of different places. Can we start hooking up my electricity now?" Tom tried to change the subject.

The Ancient One could tell that her student was lying. Not only because she can tell when he lies to her, but because almost everything here has a Stark Industries logo on it.

She was about to let it go when she saw something that definitely wasn't purchased.

"Is that the equipment from the Super Soldier experiment?" She says as she points to the pod that Steve Rogers once stood in.

"Umm... Yeah?" Tom says as he regrets not hiding everything before inviting her over. "Can we get to the electric now? I need to set this stuff up so I can start figuring out which machine does what."

The Ancient One simply sighed at her student. She couldn't help but worry about his future. Would her student turn into some horrible villain?

'Probably not but I should make sure to guide him toward the right path.' She decided to let it go for now. 'Stealing isn't that villainous anyway. I've commandeered a few things in my day as well.'

The Ancient One then spent the rest of the day showing Tom a set of runes used for producing electricity. They then set up outlets around the lair with these runes engraved on them.

"Won't this ruin any technology plugged into it?" Tom asks as he points to the outlets. "The electricity is made by magic after all."

"No, and if you pay the price I'll tell you why that is." His teacher replies as her bald head shines with greed.

"Fine..." Tom agrees as he starts muttering once again about his stingy, old, bald, and greedy teacher.

The Ancient One's eyebrow twitches as she grows closer and closer to losing control. The punishment for all these insults would come in due time. Images of Tom begging her forgiveness appeared in her mind and calmed her stewing anger.

"I've already told you that I'm the heir of Slytherin, so I'll tell you one of my other heirships." Tom says as these are secrets he really doesn't mind the Ancient One knowing. "I'm the heir of Le Fay through the muggle half of my family."

"Ugh, you're a descendant of that woman?" She replies with venom in her voice.

"Yeah, were you guys enemies or something?" Tom asks.

"That woman was horrible. If I could go back in time to kill someone as a baby, it would be Morgana Le Fay. She did some very horrible things that I had to clean up. The worst of it all is she found a way to extend her lifespan, so I had to deal with her for a long time." The Ancient One says in annoyance.

"Huh? Is Morgana still alive?" Tom asks with a bit of worry. 'Would she be happy that I'm her heir?'

"No, she died long before you were born. I had to wait five hundred years to have the pleasure of separating her head from her shoulders. The idiot girl tried to portal away when she knew I was there, but I opened a portal in front of hers. When she flew through the portal head first thinking she would escape, I closed it and severed her head clean off. It is one of my fondest memories." She says with a cruel smile on her face.

'Women are scary...' Tom thought as he decided not to anger his teacher for a while.

After telling one of his secrets, Tom received a lesson on energies that could disrupt technology and the way to protect against it.

Not all energy disrupts muggle technology, like eldritch energy for example. Eldritch energy won't interfere with technology at all, but wizard type magical energy is the worst match for electric-powered tech.

In order to protect against his own energy ruining the newly acquired equipment, the Ancient One taught him a bunch of runes for the job. The runes will protect the tech and all he has to do is carve them onto every machine. That would take some time but it shouldn't be too hard.

When the Ancient One left, the lair had multiple outlets in every room. All of them are powered by runes so Tom is completely off the grid.

His future experiments will require a lot of power as well, so having these outlets is great.

When Erskine and Stark turned Steave into Captain America, the whole of Brooklyn lost power due to them drawing in so much of it.

Tom doesn't have to worry about that though, as he has magically produced electricity. He could conduct a hundred Super Soldier procedures and never run out of power.

'Now I have to get to work engraving all of this new equipment with runes.' Tom sighed as he looked at the huge pile of machines.

Every one of them needs runes engraved on them down to the last calculator. Not only do they need runes, but they also need to be fixed as well.

The elves use magic for almost everything, and magic was definitely used in their heist, which means every machine they brought isn't functional.

'I guess this is a good way to get to know each piece of tech. I also need to become accustomed to creating machinery, so this isn't so bad.' Tom thought as he starts with the easier tech like lamps and calculators.

After fixing a lamp that was probably on some Stark employee's desk, Tom carved the runes on it and plunged it in. He then flipped the switch and the light turned on as it's supposed to.

'Hehe, I fixed a lamp.' In both of his lives, Tom has never fixed any piece of technology, except changing light bulbs but even a monkey can do that. 'Now I just have to work my way upwards.' Tom thought as he stared at the equipment that turned Steve Rogers into Captain America.

Before moving on to the next thing, Tom levitated the lamp for a moment and set it down again. The light stayed on and it's still working perfectly. The light didn't even flicker as his magic levitated the lamp.

'Good, now I don't have to worry about my tech malfunctioning.' Tom thought happily.

Tom then grabs another lamp and gets to work. Soon he would work his way up to higher-level stuff, but for now, it's baby steps until he gets there.

While Tom was working on the equipment in his super-secret lair, the golden analysis runes circling the Gaunt heir ring froze in place mid-air. They would stay this way until Toms return.

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