
2380. Conference

"Well, that's that. They are off and floating around." The deafening cheers had been going on for some time. A few groups had led cheers for the family members that they had working in or taking this expedition on the floating ship. It had done a lot to boost the morale of those still here. 

Plenty of people were starting conversations about how they wanted to push themselves to be able to go on the next journey. Even more still were trying to push for themselves to be on the next floating ship made. They knew that another would be made and that they might have a chance to go. 

"Remey, stop trying to pugs too much. This is a celebration." Gil's slight deflection was enough to earn another small glance from Alma who was trying to remain serious about how she was unhappy with Gil's actions lately. But she also saw plenty of elves celebrating too and the sight made her very happy. 

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