
921. Funeral

"A messenger dropped off the copied books and pages about abyssal serpents." Walker found Onyx who was greedily absorbing light elemental mana and meditating to understand the very thing he eats most. 

"Really? That was very fast for them to copy everything." This was a very surprising feat to Onyx who knew recording and even just searching through books took a lot of time. 

"I think you will be a little unhappy. It came out to three books about myths and one that seems to be a farmer's account of an abyssal serpent he killed at a very young age believing it was a black coiled snake. I looked at it a little and the myths are all centered around the ouroboros thing. The whole, abyssal serpent that grew to be able to wrap around the world and then swallowed it. But, I doubt that's real. We know that it's because of the ability to hide in the shadows…" Walker was a little annoyed that there didn't seem to be any new information. 

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