
New Housing

John's figure stood tall on the martial platform as the entire crowd cheered with absolute enthusiasm. He had been a pariah going into this day, as he was looked down upon by almost all the disciples of the sect.

However, each battle of his today had outclassed the previous, and slowly but surely the crowd began to root for the underdog. The outer disciples cheered when one of them became an inner disciple, and continued to climb battle after battle.

He had become a sort of beacon of hope for the lower ranked disciples, as if someone like him could achieve such a thing, then perhaps they themselves were not hopeless after all. While the core disciples felt less warm towards him, as they felt irked that an outer disciple could outperform themselves, the rest of the discipleship cheered for John with all their hearts.

John stood there with a blank expression on his face as he watched the crowd cheer for him.

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