
~Chapter 14~

Warning blared, and lights flashed brightly as two bots rushed back and forth, trying to gain control of their broken escape pod. A sparkling's cry was very present as their carrier cooed to them over and over as the blue and gray mech grunt in frustration. He repeatedly punched the control panel, and his mate had had enough.

"Voltstrike, stop! It's no use!" The pink femme urged over all the chaos., holding the newspark close to her chassis.

The said mech looked at her with terror-filled orange optics, "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Nightlight, I failed." He dropped onto his knees, his mate followed suit, "I failed to protect you and Lunarstorm. We wanted a new, free, life but look where that got us. Shot down and plummeting toward our deaths!"

"Don't you dare say that! We did not fail! Did you forget how we managed to get this far?" Nightlight held Voltstrike's helm, pouring her spark out during their last moments. "We did this for her and to give her a new life, away from Decepticon rule. We did just that because we are many lightyears away from Cybertron."

The mech ripped himself from her grip, "How can you say that? We just got our engine blown out by a Decepticon warship that is right down there on that planet." He pointed at the blue and green planet, growing bigger by the nano-second. "Is that how she gets her new life! Offlined?" He opened his mouth to continued but faltered at the sound of both his sparkmate's and offspring's cries.

"You think I wanted this? Well, do you!"

Voltstrike collapsed once more by his beloved mate, holding them both close, "No, I don't, and I'm sorry. I love you, you know that!"

Nightlight frantically nodded her helm, sniffling into his neck cables. "I love you too!"

After a moment more, they parted both having the same goal. With servos intertwined, they walked toward the stasis pod. With a final kiss, Nightlight laid her only pride and joy down. "Don't forget us and live a life that leaves you no regrets."

"Don't forget us..."



Firespark jolted awake and whipped her helm around frantically. Calming her venting cycle, she felt optic lubricant residue around her orange hues. Why would she be crying? Who even were those bots, and who, in Primus's name, was Lunarstorm?

After pondering over her dream, she was still confused, and she only added more questions instead of answering them. Why did those two Cybertronians look or even resembled her?

'Is it possible that I'm Lunarstorm?' her processor wandered. She shook that prediction away, scoffing at how silly that was. Megatron strictly told her that she was rescued from the Autobot's clutches.

"Wait! Why am I remembering this now?" she asked out loud.

"Remembering what?" a voice asked from behind her.

"Oh, um, it was nothing. Just a conversation from a really long time ago." Firespark replied sheepishly.

Bumblebee hummed, "So are you thinking of what you could have said that would've ruined them?"

Caught off guard, the pink femme burst out in laughter at the scout's remark. "Yeah, something like that," she invented.

"How long has it been since I've had a good laugh like that?" she queried as she got off the medical berth.

After a good energon refuel, she exercised her weakened limbs by exploring the base under the watchful optics of Ratchet of course. The trek helped clear her helm full of non-stopping questions.

Firespark suddenly halted in her step as she apprehended that she might begin to doubt her side. If she was Lunarstorm, then her actual creators left the Decepticon side for the Autobots. For what reasons, she would further investigate. How much of her past would she have to uncover?

"Firespark, do you need a break?" Ratchet asked, concerned.

"What is the Decepticon cause?"


"I said, what is the Decepticon cause."

Both Cybertronians stood still, until the Autobot medic placed a servo on her shoulder, "Let's have this discussion with Prime."

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