
~Chapter 12~

A week had passed since the unfortunate storytime, and Soundwave seemed to be doing well. Firespark had more responsibilities and was allowed to help her sire hack into secret military files to uncover any information about the Autobot's whereabouts.

Soundwave was expecting Lord Megatron to have an essential discussion about the pink femme's ranking. He wanted her to gain experience within their cause, so what better place for that than an energon mine.

The TIC was hesitant about the idea, but the small femme assured him by stating that he would be there with her. "It's only going to be a short time', he thought as they walked through the dusty tunnels following two workers. They rattled on about the production lines and percentages that Firespark had a hard time concentrating.

The scenery was more interesting than facts as her orange optics gazed at the blue crystals that illuminated the hallway. They went in every way possible, and sizes were variate; however, small gems were the majority of the population. The miners commented on that, stating that the bigger the energon, the better, so they left the petite ones aside.

The long narrow walkway opened up to a vast area that was busy with workers drilling away at the rocky walls and foot soldiers patrolling the expanse. If this was the smallest mine they had, Firespark couldn't fathom the largest mine available.

One of the guards made his way toward the group, "Commander Soundwave, are you here for a status report?"

The said officer shook his helm and motioned a servo toward his daughter, who was admiring the crystals once more. Megatron's voice rang out, "Soundwave, let Firespark know what her side has to offer her,"

The head soldier stiffened at the sound of his leader's voice, "O-Of course," he turned his red visor to the workers, "Make sure you give them a thorough tour," They nodded their helms as the guard returned to his post.

"Right this way," and the walking continued. They passed by many storage tanks filled with liquified energon and crates containing compacted crystals, forming cubes. "An important fact to always remember, the energon you consume comes from these very mines." A worker explained, gesturing to the entire room. The pink femme's optics widened in amazement at how one tiny mine could supply entire armies.

Her awe was short-lived, as a large fleet of foot soldiers ran past them. "Sire, what's going on?"

"Autobot life signals detected. Order: Stay with Soundwave at all times."

How ironic life can be sometimes, because, at that moment in time, an explosion resounded throughout the cave system. A cry escaped her vocalizer as the rock foundation shuddered around her, and unstable rocks threatened to crash on her small frame.


The said femme's frantic orange orbs desperately searched for her sire, amidst the dust and chaos. After his tall, dark frame appeared as the particles resided, she immediately took off toward him in a panic frenzy.

Once his daughter was beside him, he opened a ground bridge to bring in more troops and, most importantly, to bring Firespark back to safety.

As her sire did that, Firespark looked around, trying to get a sense of all the confusion. A hole was blown out on the side of the mine, while guards fired their blasters at the Autobots, who were making their way inside. She was so terrified that she could hear Soundwave calling her.

Another grenade was thrown, blasting everyone back or into pieces. Firespark was forced away from Soundwave, while he was blown into the ground bridge.

Coughing, the pink femme tried to stand up, but they collapsed from under her. Grunting, she twisted her helm to look at the problem. Her orange optics widened at the horrific sight; they were bent every which way with wires exposed and sparking at the loss of connection.

She was about to cry out when a feminine voice echoed, "Sir, it's all clear,"

"Autobots remain vigilant. Deceptions may still be lurking," a deep voice responded.

Panic rushed through her system, as she tried to scramble away from the oncoming Autobots. Venting heavily, as the pain became unbearable, she leaned her back against a container, praying that they wouldn't find her.

However, her hopes went in vain cause another voice asked, "Does everyone hear that?"

Scrap, why did she have to be so loud?

Pedesteps got louder as they approached her sanctuary. She gasped as the cube was raised and fell backward, having her support removed. A sheepish smile pulled at her lips, "Hi.."

Everyone was staring at her in silence until a green frame burst through, "What's going on here?" he glanced down at her, "Wait, isn't this,"

"Firespark," Optimus finished. He offered his servo to her, which she took hesitantly. "Do you remember us?" She nodded her helm, gazing in his calm blue optics. It was until then did everyone notice her legs.

"Ratchet, we have a patient for you," Arcee commed to the medic.

"Who is it now?!" he responded, annoyed.

"Our little sparkling, whom you love so much,"

Ratchet sputtered over the com, "W-What? Just bring her in." A ground bridge swirled to life and Prime, carrying the Decepticon femme, walked through.

Next chapter