
Chapter 46 : Rude awakening.

With red cheeks, hesitant, his hand on the doorknob, Orthon's brother looked one last time at his cousins ​​in law and the Grand Master who nodded to him. If things went wrong because these gods were lying treacherously he would protect them. He had to do it, otherwise, he too would be a liar. Like everyone else. Orthon's twin gently opened the door and poked his head to see his uncles in their respective chairs. They were no longer sleeping. Opening the door wider, he let in the gods who immediately made the two vampires stand up.

"They're coming, give them time to emerge from their long phase of sleep," snapped the elder, pointing to the vacant space in front of him. "Sit down."

"Do you want me to bring you something?" the Grand Master immediately asked.

"As usual."

"Hot or cold?"


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