
Chapter 3

The days have sailed since my father returned home, classes were now completed, and my birthday passed like normal. I had a birthday cake with my family with no big commotion, and I am now finished with school.

Annoyingly Remey never left me alone, I still don't trust him that much, My dad hasn't met him either, but he makes me keep him updated with what is going on like a progress report.

Remey asked many questions about me, but I offer him vague answers like they instructed me, "Do not ever give away too much information to use against you" I could hear my uncle's statement in my head.

I learned some details about Remey myself. He is twenty years old, from up north and moved here for work, and was seeking to further his education, hence the classes with me.

Dad and uncle Orson were taking notes on my intelligence with another warning to stay away from him, and thank goodness I haven't seen or heard from him since the last day of classes.

The whole situation gives me bad vibes, but no one would disclose what was going on, so I carried out orders like always.

It is the day of the ball, which meant a whirlwind of activity for me today. I left the hair salon around noon and was about to head home to get dressed, smiling thinking of what an admirable job they did with my hairstyle. They had presented my long curls in a half high bun on top of my head and the rest flowing down my back.

I halted, remembering to text my dad I was done at the salon, making sure I shot off a quick text before continuing on my way.

We have a charming house, almost mansion-like, massive and extravagant, it looks out of place way in the woods, but I cherish it, it is our little refuge from the world.

Pulling in I clutch my bag and the heels I just purchased to go with the gown for tonight, ugh I hate heels too, feeling more relaxed in my boots than anything else.

Reminding myself that it will be just for one night, and then I can put on my boots tomorrow.

An hour later, seeing my hair and makeup done, I consider myself in the mirror, and man can I glow up or what!

I look stunning all dolled up, not my routine daily pretty, but fit to be a princess kind of pretty.

The gown is a long glossy black tint, fluffing out at the bottom moving up to the strapless top, that is trimmed with hand-stitched pearl beading trailing down to my waistline.

Adding a small pearl necklace and bracelet, combined with the earrings as the final touch, I head downstairs to meet my dad and uncle Orson at the door in suits looking stylish.

"My dear, you look lovely, the spitting image of your mother too," He beams at me.

"Thank you dad" I replied smiling back at him.

We climb into the limo, and my uncle hands me snapshots of individuals, going over who is who, always straightforward to business like usual.

This is something we have repeatedly done, so we do not embarrass ourselves and know our company around us. It has been a part of my training since I was a toddler.

We flew through dozens of pictures until the last one stuck out to me, I could hear them speaking but I tuned them out... Oh, he was very handsome.

His hair is sharp and blond, tall and slender frame, with those gorgeous green eyes, and a confident attitude about him.

"Are you listening, Ezra?" my uncle brought me out of my daze.

"Yes, I am sorry" they both stare at me with quizzical expressions.

"You realize this necessary, you have to concentrate, becoming distracted..."

I cut him off before he could finish "could get you killed" I huffed "I know Uncle, I told you I was sorry".

We go on chatting about other matters, and I listen but continued thinking about the prince in the back of my mind, I doubt if he is single.

Oh my god, where did that come from? Yes, he is handsome...I am attracted to him, but he is a prince, and I am a nobody! I can still daydream, right?

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