
The Lowest of All Lows Perhaps


"You should have known better than coming after Sicario, Sebastian," Hudhayfah said with a smirk as he stepped on Alex's neck, something that got Seb staring in shock. 

Who the fuck were these people they had come to battle with and how the hell did they manage to be that fast and unhinged?

"You all are crazy," Alex whined as he regained consciousness and the Hudhayfah off of him with his magic, but it didn't affect the man in any way. It was like the healer was impervious to all magic, and this didn't take any god for the Russel brothers. 

This wasn't how they were defeated here in Sicario.

"Oh yeah, get in line. You might meet even crazier ones once they come to Sicario," Hudhayfah said as he blasted Latex with his magic so hard that Alex sprained his leg. 

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