
Of Warring Destinies [2]


"You are a Russell warlock, child. Of course, your magic would have to bring back the energy you used to birth the white wolf's mate," Hudhayfah said and Razia stared at him blankly like she couldn't believe all of this was happening to her.

"You knew."

"Of course, I did, as the high warlock and whaler of Greyson," Hudhayfah said as he sat next to Raiza's bed. He could see how conflicted Razia was, and he knew it was because she wasn't ready to lose her child. 

Hudhayfah wanted to say something, anything, but even he knew that the fates couldn't be changed. The destinies had already made their choice and regardless of what they chose, nothing would ever steer off the path that had been forged long before they were born.

"Now what? Are you going to tell Draffin about it?" Razia asked.

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