

Lee looked at Jin with amazement. He had been in the martial arts world for many years, and he had never seen anyone learn a new move after watching it just once. He approached Jin with a curious expression and asked, "Kid, where did you learn that move? It's not something you see every day."

Jin turned around and looked at Lee. "I just watched you and copied your movements," he replied.

Lee couldn't believe it. He had spent years honing his skills, and yet this kid had learned a new move just by watching him.

It was an incredible talent that he had never seen before. Lee knew he had to find out more about this young boy.

He asked Jin, "How old are you, kid? And where are your parents?"

Jin's face fell at the mention of his parents. "They're dead," he replied quietly.

Lee felt a pang of sympathy for the young boy. He knew what it was like to lose someone close to you. "Where are you living now?" he asked.

"I live with my friend Eli Jang in Gangdong," Jin replied.

Lee realized that they were in Gangbuk, and that Jin had been kidnapped and taken to another district. "How about I give you a ride home?" he offered.

Jin nodded gratefully, and they walked outside to Lee's black sedan. As they drove through the city, Lee couldn't help but wonder about this young boy's talent.

He knew he had to find out more about him and see if he could use that talent to his advantage.

When they arrived at Jin's place, they found that Eli Jang was gone. Jin looked disappointed, but Lee knew that he had an opportunity here.

He suggested to Jin, "How about working with me? With your talent, I'm sure you could be a great asset to us."

Jin looked at him skeptically. "What kind of work do you do?" he asked.

Lee laughed. "I work for the mafia," he said.

Jin's eyes widened in surprise. "The mafia?" he repeated.

Lee nodded. "Yes, we have a job to do. We need to clear out the thugs who are extorting money from the people our boss is protecting. With your skills, I'm sure you could be a great help to us."

Jin thought about it for a moment. He had never imagined himself working for the mafia, but he also knew that he needed to do something to protect himself and Eli Jang.

He made up his mind and said, "I'll do it. I want to work with you."

Lee smiled. "Good. Pack your things and let's go."

Jin quickly gathered his belongings, and they left Eli Jang's place. As they drove away, Jin looked out the window and made a promise to himself. "I'll become strong," he thought. "Strong enough to protect myself and Eli Jang. And maybe someday, I'll be able to find out what really happened to my parents."

As Eli Jang walked home, he noticed a black sedan leaving his place.

He wondered if it was Jin, but he quickly dismissed the thought, believing that Jin would never leave him.

However, upon reaching his place, Eli Jang discovered that Jin was not there and all of Jin's belongings were gone. "Who was in that black sedan?" Eli Jang wondered. "Could it have been Jin?" Lost in deep thought, Eli Jang stood there until Jin's voice brought him back to reality. "Wait for me, Eli Jang. I will become stronger."

After three hours of driving, they arrived at a private property with a big mansion. However, instead of going to the mansion, Lee took Jin to a three-story building in the corner of the property. Lee drove them to the basement and parked the car there.

"Take your stuff, kid. Let me introduce you to the captain," Lee said.

Jin grabbed his belongings from the trunk and followed Lee to the elevator in the basement.

They went up to the third floor and walked down a hallway to a room at the end. Inside the room was a man in his fifties sitting behind a desk.

"The task was completed, Captain," Lee said.

The man turned around and looked at Lee. "Good work. And who is this kid?"

Jin felt a shiver run down his spine as the man looked at him. Lee quickly explained that Jin had been kidnapped by the thugs he was tasked with handling and that he wanted to recruit Jin for their squad.

The man stared at Lee with an intimidating look, and Lee trembled. But he kept talking, "I'm sure you're going to accept him, Captain. I'm sure his talent even exceeds him."

The man sighed and asked Jin, "What's your name, kid? How old are you?"

"My name is Kim Sung Jin, you can call me Jin, and I'm eleven years old," Jin replied.

Lee's eyes widened in surprise. "I'm pretty sure this kid is at least 14. He's only 11? I'm dead," he thought.

The man gave Jin a strange look and glanced at Lee. "Fine, we're going to test you first. If you succeed in this test, I'll accept you. How about that?"

Jin looked determined as he nodded his head. "Yes, I'm ready," he said.

The man then instructed Lee to guide Jin to the ring, an arena where they usually conducted tests or spars.

"Where are we going, Mr. Lee?" Jin asked.

"We're going to the ring, an arena where we usually conduct tests or spars," Lee replied.

Jin nodded, not asking any further questions, and followed Lee to the elevator. Lee pressed two buttons at the same time, and the elevator doors opened to reveal a large arena.

"Welcome to the Ring," Lee said.

Jin looked around in awe as he entered the Ring. The arena was massive, with a diameter of at least fifty meters. The walls were made of solid concrete, and the floor was covered in sand. In the center of the Ring was a raised platform, which looked like a stage.

Lee walked up to the platform and signaled Jin to follow him. "Stand here," he said, pointing to a spot on the stage. "The captain will be here soon."

Jin nodded and stood still, his heart pounding with excitement and nervousness. He wondered what kind of test the captain would give him, and whether he could pass it.

A few moments later, the man in his fifties entered the arena. He walked up to the stage and stood before Jin, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I'm Captain Park," he said, his voice low and authoritative. "And you are Jin, right?"

Jin nodded. "Yes, sir."

Captain Park studied Jin for a moment, his eyes narrowed. "You look young. Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"I am, sir," Jin said firmly.

Captain Park nodded, his lips curling in a small smile. "Alright then. Here's your test. You're going to spar with one of our best fighters. If you can last three minutes against him, you pass. If not, well...let's just say you won't be joining us."

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