
No More Cases

I was looking online for any possible cases, and found a article about children going into a fun house. After they came out of the fun house they died of blood loss. Scratches were on their backs.

"I found us a case," I said with a smile.

"Are you sure it's safe for you to go on a hunt?" Sam asked cleaning a gun.

"I will be fine,"

He wanted to say more, but he knew I would win. We got everything packed, and headed out. As we headed to the town Cas had to leave us, and Sam kept checking on me. Dean started to punch him after a while if he checked on me.

"She is fine," Dean said angerly as Sam turned to look at me.

"Are you hungry?" Sam asked holding up a bag of chips.

"Yeah, but I want pie," I answered thinking of Cherry Pie topped with Reddi-Whip and Chocolate syrup.

"What type?"

"Cherry topped with Reddi-Whip and Chocolate Syrup,"


Dean pulled into a Diner's parking lot, and ran inside. Sam and I took our time. Dean was already at a table placing an order.

"You get your pie. I get plain Cherry pie. You get a salad," Dean said pointing at us as he told us our food.

I sat down, and felt sick. I grew to hate the smell of meat as my baby grew. Sam rubbed my back, which made me feel better.

"What do you know about this case?" Dean asked.

"There is a rumor in the town that the fun house is home to a monster with knives for fingers," I answered, "There is a symbol next to a drawing of the monster next to the door."

"What is the symbol?" Sam asked.

"I am unsure, but the kids will not go into the fun house. They think the monster will kill them!"

I smiled when the Food was placed before us. I was so happy to see the pie that I started to cry.

"Is something wrong dear?" The waitress asked worried.

"It looks so good," I answered holding back the sobs.

"She's pregnant, and little things make her cry," Dean said to the confused girl, "She is just so in love with the pie."

"I love the pie, but I am also in love with your brother," I said putting my head on Sam's arm.

Sam kissed me on top of my head, which made me smile. We finished our food, and Dean paid for it. We quickly got back on the road. We were getting close to the town, and saw the turn off for the fun house. Dean pulled to the side of the road, and I got out of the car. I waved my wand and changed my cloths. We all changed to suits. We got our badges ready, and drove on.

"What's the plan?" I asked as we started to get out of the car.

"Let's just go talk to the locals first," Dean said turning baby off.

We walked over to the group of cops. Another kid was killed. It was a 9 year old girl.

"Hello, I am Special Agent Jagger, this is Special Agent Jovi, and this is Special Agent Rose," Dean said as we showed the cops our badges.

"What can I help you with Agents?" The Sheriff asked.

"I would like to look at the bodies of the victims, Agent Jovi would like to talk to the families, and Agent Rose would like to look at the Funhouse."

Sam shot Dean a worried look. I patted Sam's arm, which made him feel a bit better. Dean rode with the Sheriff to the morgue. Sam took the Impala, and followed a cop to go talk to the family. I took a photo of the symbol. After I waked into the Fun house I had the device look up the symbol. The symbol came up to be a Tulpa. I called Sam to let him know what it came up to.

"Agent Jovi," Sam said trying to stay in character.

"Hey sweetie, the symbol near the door is for a Tulpa!" I said as I walked farther into the Fun house.

"Why don't you leave the suspect to me?"

"I will be fine."

I made it outside with no trouble. I looked around for a trash can as a wave of nausea hit me. I ran to the closest one, and throw the pie up. I started to cry as I looked at the food vendors.

"Are you ok?" a teenage girl asked.

"I am pregnant, and hungry," I answered.

"You just came out of the fun house!"

"Yeah, but I can't talk about it."

I was about to buy a hot dog, when Sam and Dean showed up.

"Let's go to a diner," Dean shouted as Sam came to get me.

Sam helped me to the car as I cried even more. Dean drove to the diner without a word.

"Take a seat anywhere," A man said as we entered the diner.

We sat in the back, so no one would hear us.

"What can I get y'all?" The waitress asked.

"Steak well done, with mash potatoes, and cut corn," I said through the tears, "A glass of Sweet Tea with a lemon slice."

"Same," Dean said with a smile.

"Same," Sam said as he rubbed my back.

The woman walked away as she wrote on her pad of paper.

"Are you sure that you can eat it?" Sam asked.

"I don't know, but I want to try," I answered.

Our drinks got to us a minute later. I drank mine and Sam's before the waitress walked off. She took the glasses with a sigh.

"She does not seem to like me," I said laying my head on the table.

"Well, I still love you," Sam said with a happiness in his voice.

"I know you do."

"Why do you cry when you are hungry?"

"Because I don't know what I can keep down."

Dean patted my head. I looked up at my loving little family. As I looked at my Brother-in-law and Husband glasses were slammed onto the door. Tea covered us.

"What the hell?" I said standing up.

"Must have slipped," she said rudely.

"The hell it did,"

"Son of a Bitch. That got all over my phone," Dean said as he saw a Tea covered Cellphone on the table.

A man walked over, and saw the Tea all over the table.

"What happened?" the man asked.

"She slammed the glasses down on the table," Sam answered trying to clean the table.

"You're fired. Your meal is on the house."

The girl looked so pissed. She ran off looking like she might hurt someone. The man moved us to a different table, and got us new glasses of Sweet Tea. He brought our food to us.

"Don't eat it if you start feeling sick," Sam said as I stared at my plate near tears.

I smiled at him, then dug into the Steak. I moaned as I chewed on the meat.

"Well, at least something makes her feel good," Dean laughed.

"Shut up Jerk," Sam and I said together.



Dean just looked at me. We finished our food without talking after that. We got a motel room, and took a quick nap. I was the first one up. I decided to have a little fun. I put Reddi-whip all over Sam's face. I put a spell on Dean's clothes that would make them itchy every where his skin touched them.

"We're out of Beer!" I said.

They jumped awake. Dean laughed as he looked at Sam. I licked the Reddi-whip off of Sam. I laughed as Dean started to scratch all over. Sam had me fix Dean's clothes. We got ready to fix a few thing about the Tulpa. We were able to give it a weakness. I went into the funhouse to try to lure the thing out. I was about to exit the funhouse as knives were plunged into my back. Worry covered Sam's face. I was pulled back into the funhouse.

"HELP ME," I screamed.

'HOLD ON," Sam shouted with worry over powering his voice.

It drug me to the middle of the funhouse. I felt it tear into my back. I screamed as I felt it's knives on my spine. I was about to pass out as it tried to rip out my spine. As the darkness was sweeping over me I heard a gunshot. The monster then vanished.

"Mary," Sam said snapping me back to the light.

"Cas, get your feathery ass down her NOW," Dean said worry filling his voice.

The sound of wings echoed off of the mirrors.

"Please heal her," Sam begged.

Tears dripped into my open back. I felt Cas place two fingers on my head. I didn't feel me heal, but I felt Sam touch my healed back.

"You're going to stay with Bobby for the time being," Sam said as we got into the car.

"Yes Dear," I said looking inside me.

I could still feel the baby's grace. I smiled as I felt it. I still had my baby. We barely talked as we went to Bobby's. I smiled as we pulled into the scrap yard. I ran inside, and gave Bobby a hug.

"How did the case go?" he asked as everyone walked in.

"Mary is going to stay here for a while. She got hurt really bad," Sam answered, "Cas healed her."

Bobby nodded as I got everything set up for case searching. Sam set up a room for me. I found them a case of strange deaths.

"We will be back as soon as we can," Sam said as he gave me a goodbye hug.

I went the room, and found one of his shirts. I put it on, and breathed in his scent. As I was making the bed found a pair of Sam's pants. I put them on as well. I looked funny wearing Sam's clothes, but Bobby just smiled. Time passed by, and I wear Sam's clothes all the time. I barely saw Sam, Dean, or Cas. Bobby was great company. We learned to work together as we did research.

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