
New day, new way

The sun rises ever so slowly as the Stars illuminate the sky.Cammy is on the rooftop looking around for a tad bit more.it was around 6:20 in the morning by the look of the position from the sun.cammy would only assume it was the time Craig would get up. She jumps down and enters the front door to see Craig walking down stairs with eve right behind him.



Craig enters the living room to see Steve up and dressed while lily looks half asleep.Craig is slightly surprised at her drowsiness.




Lily yawns softly.


Craig see's that she's dressed too thankfully.

Craig:I'm sorry if we didn't have enough sleeping bags for everyone…I didn't expect this many people to ever stay over the night in my entire lifetime.

Steve:really? Never had a family party in your life?

Craig:not hosted but I have been before…I wasn't sociable in those events.

Lily:a big party sounds nice…

Lily was half asleep after all so she's definitely out of it.

Eve:if bedding and space is an issue you know I can do something about it…but that would be a tad risky.

Craig:with that angel around it's best to stay put,hidden and benched as much as possible…

Time stops as he starts thinking for a quick second.well, as quick as he thought it went by that is.

Craig(mind):eve stated she couldn't take her on, dose that also include help? I don't think I'm physically capable of helping but Cammy could theoretically help a lot, if her title as the demon king of the 6th circle of hell has any w-weight then they would both definitely take her on.but how much stronger is that angel? Eve hasn't told me by how much but the fear she has for her is like a victim to an attempted murder case.Scarred even…

Time resumes as he goes to what appears to be a cooler within the kitchen.Craig opens it as mist slowly escapes the container.the container reveals a hefty load of blood bags and blood packs.

Craig: 35.6 Fahrenheit.plus 2 Celsius.

Craig(mind):I-I guess having blood packs just incase for a blood transfusion came in handy…although…th-this isn't what I had in mind…

Craig grabs one pack labeled his own name and closes the cooler gently.he went to the table as he gently places it ontop of a plate.Steve walks into the kitchen to see what was going on just to see something out of the ordinary even for Craig.

Steve:you actually have a blood bank?

Craig:just incase my father or I bleed too much.

Lily:that would be a problem…running out of juice stinks…

Craig and Steve looks at Lilly for a bit before looking at each other.

Steve:dose she do this-?

Craig:first time I seen her like this.


Steve thought of something funny to say but decided not to say it.after all they need to get to school now.

Craig:are you two ready? If you're hungry grab a banana.

Steve and Lilly grabs a banana as they went to the front door.

Eve:I'll go tell Luna her blood is ready.

Craig:that would be nice.but be nice about it.she's still stressed and we nee-

Eve:need to work together and cooperate.don't worry, I'll do my best.

With that Craig walks out the front door but before he closes it he looks at eve to see that she is still wearing the dress.

Craig:do be safe.and make sure the rest are safe too eve…

Eve gave him a small smile.

Eve:as you wish.

Eve gave him a small bow as he closes the door.Craig starts to walk down the steps and begins to walk towards his shortcut with lily and Steve right besides him.in a sense he always wanted to walk with them to school from his house since he was younger so in a way, he's very happy at the moment even if Craig doesn't show it.when they arrive at the entrance to the sewer Craig kneel down.

Craig:I'm sure you rather take your chances with me then the ground from that pipe line.

Lily looks at Craig with a toothy smile as she then jumps onto his back.once Craig has a good grip on her he stands up.Steve see's Craig giving lily a piggy back ride made him smirk in amusement but covers his own mouth so that he doesn't let out a chuckle.in any case for someone to see this is the definition of polar opposites.

Steve:Aww, what about me? I don't want my new shoes getting grimed up.

Craig and Lily looks at Steve after stating that playful gesture.lily smiles while Craig has a brow raised.

Craig:do you want me to carry?

Steve and Lily didn't expect that reaction for the most part but remembers his lack of social skills.

Steve:I was joking man, although I wouldn't mind if you do tha-

Craig approaches him and picks him up bridal style while still carrying lily on his back.Steve looks uncomfortable while lily was in shock at first but starts laughing at the turn of events that just transpired.



Craig without wasting time starts to walk through the route in the sewer pipe until he reaches the ladder. That leads to the surface.Craig gently places Steve onto the ladder first making sure he climbs up all the way up.Steve then appears to be struggling to open the manhole lid making Craig sigh.he hoped that Steve was strong enough to lift the 249 pound's worth of cast iron.Steve looks down at Craig with his usual carefree smile.

Steve:hey I get you think I'm strong but I'm not that strong buddy.

Craig:in a world where many religions and mythology's exists I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to.

Steve climbs down as Craig then hands lily into Steve's arms.

Craig:I'll get it.

They watch as Craig easily move up the ladder and push the manhole with ease.once he was at the surface the two follow up a bit shocked at this.once they were at the surface Craig places the manhole back where it belongs.

Steve:so you do this every day?

Craig:if I need to get here.

Lily:is it a short cut?

Craig:in a way…but, mostly to get here undetected…I don't want people to follow me home and cause trouble to my dad.

Lily and Steve look at each other before nodding in understament from each other.

Steve:at least you have company this time around.

Craig:…..yes, I did.

Craig then stands up and looks at them.

Craig:this is where we go our separate routes to the school.

Lily and steve wasn't shocked in the slightest because of his worry nature.

Craig:we can talk and group up after school when no one is near by.

When Craig started to walk away lily grabs his right arm like a hug while steve grabs his left arm in a grip with his right hand shocking Craig at the sudden turn of events.his eyes briefly widened before he could say anything they beat him to the punch.

Steve:sorry but that's not apart of my plans for today.

Lily:yeah! We're not leaving you alone.remember what I said?

Craig infact remembers what lily said to him, she doesn't care what others think and that was something of one of many things he admired her for.but for the two to do this really made him worried what they will do to them.treated like out casts if not hounded on like prey and predator.

Craig:I do remember.but wouldn't it cause unwanted attention? Lily I can understand to a degree considering how she appeared to join me for lunch now…Steve you already have a friend group to hang out with, why waste it for my sake?

Steve gives Craig a small smirk.

Steve:well you're smart, you should've figured it out by now.why have multiple friends when you can have a few good pals.

Lily:oh! Like quality over quantity!

Steve:see, she caught on quickly.

Craig(mind):he has a point…should I-?

Craig stares at them for the moment he stood still.physically it was a moment but mentally it was a very long time.he knows the risks the surrounds around this but, should he enjoy this?this was something he always wanted, can he afford to be selfish?

Craig(mind):no…no I can't, there's too many risks!but…

Craig started to feel like he was getting dragged by the two as his eyes widened a bit.

Lily:come on! It won't be that bad buddy!

Steve:if it comes down to it we'll cross that road when the worst happens.

Craig:...…fine…just for today.

Lily pumps her right hand with an audible "yes!" can be heard while steve smirks.Craig felt happy that he can do this but still the worry lingers.

Meanwhile at the school gates

Allaina is hanging out with her group gossiping like usual.

Allaina:he did that?!

Amy:yeah, apparently Craig was harassing someone at the school earlier!it was a student that recently moved here before the school started.

Sammy:I heard that he's in debt with him.something about owning him a favor.

Allaina:NO WAY?! Another one under his grasps!grrrrr, how can we do anything about it if the school and authorities can't touch him?!

Amy:I'm sure it can't get…worse…

Her twin and Allaina looks at the direction she was looking at as the group is starting to feel fear and despair once more.what they have seen was what they were dreding for since that fateful day at lunch within the cafeteria.it was Lily hugging Craig's arm as the two were walking towards the entrance of the school.but to make things worst for them was to see Steve walking besides them.the many thoughts went imaginative and start to make up many outlandish things coursing through their brain.it wasn't just them but every student there also stops what they were doing as they stare as well with similar thoughts.

Allaina:n-no way, he got them under his thumb too…

Sammy and Amy are shaking in fear.Craig is feeling the gaze from the others as usual but this time he can tell that their staring at his pals too.he's doing his best not to show his nervousness as the three continues to walk towards the entrance of the school.the students are murmuring and whispering in fear of craig hearing them chat.

Random student:I-is that Steve?

Random student 2:wh-why are they near him? A-arnt they scared if he'll kill them?!

Random student 3:first the one guy and now these two?!

Random student 4:Isn't she the transfer student?!

Craig can barely hears them over the sound of his own heartbeat.he's scared for lily and Steve right now.

Craig(mind):I let my emotions get the better of me and cloud my own judgment, s-sure they convinced me and dragged me here but still…

Craig is doing his best to look forward and not pay attention to them.

Steve:it seems we're the talk of the town.

Lily was waving at everyone who only flinched in response.they were near the doors to enter the complex but something caught the corner of Craig's eye making Steve and Lily stop in their own tracks.the students there are in cold sweat at his sudden gaze that some of them even fainted.what he was eyeing was the student he interacted with yesterday. load and behold the angel is right next to him staring at Craig nervously even his eyes are widened at what he's looking at.Craig looks back at the entrance so lily and Steve wouldn't notice where he was staring at. He proceeds to walk inside the school with lily and Steve still following him.the three are walking through the empty hallway with Craig finally stating what's on his mind.

Craig:you guys were right, it wasn't that bad…

Lily smiled a toothy grin and playfully pats his back.

Lily:see I told you it won't be bad!

Steve:actually you said it wouldn't be that bad, personally it was actually humorous seeing them lock up like that.

Steve chuckles at their reactions to seeing them walking together.it was a priceless experience that he almost lost his cool over.he wanted to laugh so badly during their walk to the school.

Steve:I guess it was Christmas for us and Halloween for them.

Lily:oh come on Craig isn't that scary looking!

Craig:I already know I'm intimidating to approach lily-

Lily:but nothing! They just need to get to know you better that's all.

Craig:…that won't happen anytime soon…

Steve:makes sense with your false reputation.sucks that they believe the masses over the individuals.a bunch of sheep if you ask me.


Craig:do we even know how many other people are going through what we're going through? And if so how can we trust them lily?

Lily looks away discourage at what he said.he was right, if it was not for the tournament she would try to get a plan going to introduce people one at a time to him.but even if it wasn't for the tournament it makes sense why he isn't looking for making new friends wingly by their past with the bullying and all that.

Lily:…yeah…I guess you're right…

Steve is giving a small frown while Craig sighs at her reaction.he hates seeing her like this especially since he understands what her intentions were.

Craig:but why would I want a quantity of friends when I can have quality pals like you two.

Lily perked up a bit after hearing that and

Smiles at Craig.

Lily:I see your point! But after this is all over we have to get people to like you for you!

Lily points at Craig while Steve gave them a small smile.

Steve:you heard the lady, it's a done deal.

Lily:not quite yet!

Lily gets infront of them and extends her right pinky towards them.

Lily:you boys have to promise me that we'll go through with it together once this is all over.

Steve chuckles at this.

Steve:aren't you a little too old to be pinky swearing?

Lily:I don't know aren't you to young to be this stuck up?

Steve pretends to be offended by her statement.

Steve:ah! I would never!

Craig looks at her pinky as Steve already wrapped his pinky around hers.

Steve:come on it won't kill ya to go through with it.

Lily smiles at Craig as he stares at it for what felt like time stood still.

Craig(mind):a-am I able to keep this promise?are we able to live through this together?

Craig looks at their faces as images within his memory's of his time with them surfaced and gave him the conviction to do this.

Craig(mind):…n-no, we will live through this! I won't lie to them, I will keep this promise…after all they done for me it's the least I can do.

Craig wraps his pinky over the middle where theirs are locked together with.

Craig:…a promise between…friends.

Lily is giving a wide smile as Steve just smirks.

Lily:then it's settled!

The three break away from the pinky swear as Steve starts to walk down the hall.

Steve:welp I had my fun, now time for seven hours of my sucky life to be stolen by me.

Craig:it's not bad to learn Steve.

Steve:oh I'm sure I'll get by in life without the theory of atoms on my resume.

Lily:bye Steve!

Steve did a two finger salute that screams "sayonara" as lily and Craig goes up the stairs to go to their first period.

Craig(mind):…maybe…this won't be as bad as I thought it would be…


Back at Craig's household the rest of the contestants were getting by on whatever their doing.Cammy is teaching alcock how to play video games so they have a fourth player to help them beat the bloody castle level.Kitsune is lazing around on one of the couches in her small fox form curled up and meditating.domino is watching tv near Kitsune watching a show on drag racing with a small smile on her face while making sure no one is looking at her.eve is in the kitchen making sure Luna isn't taking anymore blood until it was twelve in the afternoon.during the game session Cammy and alcock is at the first stage boss.

Alcock:and then we have to slay this reptilian child for the sake of rescuing the princess am I correct?

Cammy:da, we kill this child in order to progress.

Alcock:…what if I don't want to?

Cammy:for the love of all that is unholy alcock they ain't real!

Alcock:i shouldn't give up my moral compass just to progress!


Within the living room domino is looking up with annoyance.

Domino:can they keep it down, I'm in the middle of the final lap here.

Domino looks forward to see Luna walking towards domino and sit on the same couch near her.

Luna:to what are you watching?

Domino raises an eyebrow as she looks at Luna.

Domino:some drag racing. What's it to you?

Luna looks at the screen with intrigue.

Luna:oh? So instead of horses they use motorized vehicles.

Luna have a small chuckle.domino looks at the vampire in annoyance.

Domino:what's so funny?

Luna:oh, it's nothing, just not use to change is all.cultural differences I suppose.

Domino:…do you want to use the tv? My show is about to be done soon.

Luna looks at domino with a small smile.

Luna:not at all, but I appreciate the offer.but I Am rather curious miss domino.

Domino:just domino is fine.

Luna:alright, domino, have you ever tried to eat Craig's flesh?

Domino looks like she was taken aback by the question.Kitsune's ears twitches as if she's starting to ease drop on the conversation.


Luna giggles

Luna:don't tell me you're a ghoul and yet you didn't try to eat him? My that is quite rare to behold.

Domino:Ok I swear that got to be racist you vampiric dick!

Luna looks at domino unamused.

Luna:again with that language not befitting for a lady, you really need to try and be more refined-

Domino:I'll be more refined once-

Eve:if the two of you want to scrap I can be more then a sutible substitute don't you agree?

Eve is floating above them with a small smile on her face.this gave domino and Luna a small chill down their spine ironically enough.

Domino:...I'll pass.

Luna:I too have better things to do, do you have any tea?

Eve smile turns genuine as she floats infront of them now.

Eve:I believe we have some tea leaves, though I can try my hand at making it.

Luna:that would be nice, thank you.

Eve leaves the two of them be as Kitsune streatches from her spot.

Kitsune:I'll go into the kitchen and help her out.I think she can't make a cup of tea without burning the house down.

Kitsune makes her way to the kitchen as Luna gave a small smile.domino looks at Luna in annoyance once more.

Domino:what are you thinking about now?

Luna:just that it's very lively here.that's all.

Domino gave a small smirk.

Domino:tell me about it.