
Meanwhile at the house

Sometime ago when Craig was about to leave for school.Craig was in front of his door,before he opens it he looks behind him to see eve behind him.

Craig:…I don't think it's a good idea for you girls to be near me at school.

Domino was walking up behind eve as Cammy just made her way downstairs looking at them as she leans against the wall crossing her arms.

Eve:And why do you think so master?

Craig:…that angel seems to be allied with someone from my school.

Eve's eyes widened as her eyes shows true fear.her poster became tense, but she's doing her best not to show it.Cammy took notice at eve's sudden change but choses not to speak about it.

Cammy:and if any of us are spotted then we'll get slaughtered.Fokken verdomde oorweldigde wankende engele.In other words it's best for us to stay here then get into any trouble from other competitors.

Domino:and here I thought I was going to get some exercise.

Craig looks at them a couple of moments before sighing.

Craig:make sure you you two don't burn the house down again, and domino, don't break anything ether.

Domino looks a tad offended at Craig's remark.

Domino:I'm a grown living corpse, I know better then to get you angry.

Cammy seems to giggle a bit.

Cammy:you haven't seen anything yet, one time he actually pinned me to the wall and yelled at me.

Domino and eve's eyes widened at Cammy's remark.

Craig(mind):PHRASING CAMMY!!!

Eve and Cammy heard that as Cammy realizes what she said.

Cammy:n-not like that!

Cammy had a small blush on her face in embarrassment as domino shrugs while eve understands what they mean.

Craig:tch, just behave will you.Once I get back We'll discuss what we will do tonight.

The women nodded as Craig leaves the house with the three of them alone in the house.they look at each other pondering on what to do.

Cammy:well since my retainer has school he won't be helping me out any time soon…I guess you two can help me out with it.

Eve and domino looks at her curiously as domino raises a brow.Cammy starts to run up the stairs.Eve and domino then started to hear some noises up there.it was like she was smashing stuff.

Cammy:ku në dreqin e ndyrë është ai rasti, betohem se do të ngre një kamp pleqsh për të gjymtuarin! Ata bastardë me aftësi të kufizuara mendore po vijnë!

The noises died down as they hear her running down the stairs with a case in her hand.she has a very wide smile on her face as her eyes glitters.

Cammy:this game right here!

Domino and eve looks at the game closely as they were a bit confused at what it is.

Domino:so what kind of game is this supposed to be?

Cammy:basically some sort of multiplayer platformer…

Domino:English please.

Cammy:I am speaking in English though.

Cammy looks at domino like she was stupid as the ghoul looks annoyed.

Eve:she means the platform thing.

Cammy:I know that, basically a game only for obstacle courses and parkour to save the princess…I'm curious on why it's just the plumbers rather then something else.

Domino:like a knight in shining armor or some cliché crap like that.

Cammy:personally why not have soldiers from 1938.


Eve:she is talking about when the earth went through a second war against the world.

Domino looks at Cammy like she lost it.

Domino:Jesus Christ, next your going to tell me that those guys should go storm the castles beach.

Cammy gasps as she looks excited.

Cammy:how did you know?!

Cammys eyes are sparkling as domino and eve stares at her.domino sighs as she takes the game out of her hands.

Domino:forget it, let's just play this stupid game and get it over with.

Timeskip an hour later

Cammy,Domino and Eve are sitting near each other as they look very stress out from the game they are playing.

Domino:Damn it you damn nazi I told you to stop jumping on me!

Cammy:maybe try to not get in the way you bloody zombie!

Eve:I needed that extra life!!!


Cammy:you snooze you lose lady's.

As the game goes on eve and Cammy were hearing someone telepathically talking to them.

Craig(mind):h-how is everyone?

Eve(mind):doing alright master.

Cammy(mind):The three of us are trying to beat this game.tahakam ghabii alshaytan !!!

Craig(mind):p-please don't break anything.The reason why you guys are at home I-is because of that angel having a possibility being at m-my school.

Eve(mind):we promise not to break anything this time master.


Eve(mind):Quit your whining!

Domino pauses the game as she looks at Cammy and eve glaring at each other.If domino was alive she could get pale from the stare off.

Domino:I think we should take a break before we destroy this house.

Domino checks her box of cigarettes as.after counting what's left she gets up and started to walk out of the room.

Eve:she's right, we promise Craig not to destroy the house again.

Cammy breath's out a sigh as she gets up.

Cammy:true, maybe we should do our part and help him out on getting some groceries.

Eve looks at Cammy confusedly as Cammy started to walk towards the exit of Craig's room.

Eve:we? I'm very certain that I'm in no position to move outside of this house.

Cammy looks at eve with a brow raise

Cammy:I was going to ask why can't you use magic to change your appearance but that's basically a beacon towards people that can sense magic.

Eve:exactly the reason.

Cammy smiled a bit as she gave eve a small giggle.

Cammy:maybe you can stay here while domino and I go, I'm very certain we won't cause as much attention as you would on your best day.

Eve have a small chuckle.

Eve:my oh my, it seems you have a decent joke in you after all.

Cammy smirks as she leaves eve in the room all alone.

Eve:…what should I do without them around for the time being…


Domino is smoking a cigarette infront of the house looking at the sky.Thinking about how everything turned out and what she's going to do.gods dead, she has no memory of her own life, and resurrected from the dead.

Domino:this can't be a coincidence…

Domino brings the cig to her mouth and breaths it in.She takes it out of her mouth to blow out the excess smoke.

Domino:that edge lord is stumped about it as well…how the hell am I going to know if I sit on my ass and twiddle my thumbs…

Before domino thinks of anything else she hears the front door kicked down making her turn her head at break neck speeds…literally cracking it as she sees an overly excited Cammy making her way to domino.

Cammy:aloha domino, Wanna join me on getting groceries?

Domino puts her cig back to her mouth.

Domino:didn't he tell us to stay here?

Cammy:yeah, but he only mentions that we can't be near him, in other words we can actually go places that isn't in his vicinity.

Domino shrugs as she stops leaning and gets next to Cammy.

Domino:fair enough, where should we go?

Cammy:to the...…um…..

Domino raises a brow as she exhales smoke from the cigarette.

Domino:you have no clue do you smarty pants?

Cammy looks at domino with an annoyed glare.

Cammy:how am I suppose to know about the surface world and their directions?

Domino shrugs.

Domino:I at least know a place where to go.what are you planning on buying?

Cammy smirked.

Cammy:I was planning on getting ingredients for some homemade ramen.

Domino:please tell me it ain't that package crap.

Cammy:I told you it's home made, not premade.

Domino shrugs.

Domino:whatever, you have any money?

Cammy thinks for a moment before grabbing a gold bar out from her coat making domino's eyes widened in shock with her mouth opened while the demon king smirk.

Cammy:dose this count?

Domino:Where on gods green earth did you get that?!

Cammy:from hell, it's fools gold after all.

Cammy giggles as domino grabs Cammys wrist stopping her laugh.


Domino:come on, let's get this shopping done so we can spend that on a good car! No, a motorcycle!

Cammy was struggling from Domino's tight grip.

Cammy:OWOWOWOWOWOW!!! Hör auf! Hör auf! Du brichst mir das Handgelenk, du untote Hure!!!

Time skip a half hour latter

Domino and Cammy is walking on the fields towards the destination of Craig's house.

Domino:I can't believe you're fucking loaded.

Cammy:I'm more surprised that we got the ingredients we need to make my dish.

Domino and Cammy was going to take another step until they hear a strange sound coming towards them.their eyes widened as they jump away.When they did a loud boom happen as they were blown away a bit but landed on their feet looking at their attacker.it was some sort of stone golem,filled with a variety of rocks,stone, and all sorts of ores.

Domino:How the fuck did we not see that thing?!

Cammy:it was just summoned, that stone golem seems to be a pretty high level summon by the looks of it.

Domino puts her portion of the grocery's she's carrying on the ground as her Bonny features went on fire burning away the cigarette from her mouth with her hood down.

Domino:not when I'm done with it, that bolder is going to be reduced to pieces.

Cammy looks surprise at domino's appearance before looking at how cool she looks right now.

Cammy:holy hell puta you look so badass!

Cammy's eyes sparkle as domino looks at Cammy a bit flattered but glares at her.

Domino:pay attention damn it! That thing is going to crush us!

The golem grabs the ground from the green field of grass as it rips from the earth.the golem lifts the large piece of hardened ground as it was about to throw it.

Cammy:I see, it can harden the ground, it's impressive considering Florida has water underneath it.

The golem throws it at them as Cammy quickly draws an rpg and shoots it making it explode in midair giving domino the chance to charge at the rock golem.

Domino:one hundred percent…

Domino jumps making the ground below her to crack with a small crater behind it.she was getting closer as the bone arm was clenched with as much fire she can produce making it bigger and bigger.


Domino lands the punch as it engulfs the golem in a flaming dome slowly melting it.her punch was also strong enough to break the entire shell of the golem.

Cammy:holy hell fire…

Cammy looks in aw at the flames as she watches domino walking away.The flames on her begins to stop as she went to grab her groceries.she stops to realize something.

Domino:wait a minute…

She looks at Cammy dumbfounded.


Cammy puts the groceries she's carrying from her left hand down and puts them together as her fingers flutter moving away from each other.


Domino gave her an annoyed expression as she should of known this was going to be her answer.

Domino:no shit Sherlock, I'm asking how did you use your magic to summon it.

Cammy:a question to be answered some other time mwehehhehheh.

Domino huffs as she walks away from Cammy.

Cammy:oi, ¡Espérame!

Cammy grabs her groceries as she ran to domino.

Domino:after seeing that thing we're going to be attacked again if we stay here.

Cammy:I wouldn't have to worry about that anytime soon.

Cammy gave an evil grin as domino was a bit shook from the sudden expression.

Domino:why's that?

Domino looks at her curiously as Cammy's eyes went halfway open keeping that grin on her.


In a distance there is a woman in robes looking through a telescope a gasp seeing her golem destroyed.

Robed woman:how did my earth golem have been reduced to ashes?! No matter, those two won't know what hit them once I summon my hydra…hehehehehe, once that beast is around there is nothing those two can do!

Eve:really? Do tell me how powerful that dragon is?

The woman turns around in anger as that anger then turns to fear as she sees the hybrid looking down on her.

Robbed woman:who…no, what in the world are you?!

The robbed woman was shaking from eves presence alone.it was a hybrid of the strongest species god has created floating infront of her.

Eve:hmmmm, really now? How can you not tell what I am? There are a generous amount of hints for my race.

Eve said playfully as the robbed woman was sweating profusely.

Robbed woman:sh-shut up!

The woman then formed a magical circle as she was chanting ancient words.Eve looks a bit intrigue at her magical prowess.

Eve:for a mortal you seem to know your stuff, But what I think is more surprising is how a dark elf like yourself thought it was a good idea to show yourself without any reinforcements.

The woman looks angry as she begins to howl in anger.

Dark elf woman:come fourth, my hydra!!!

When the summoning circle was finished the hydra slowly came out towering over the hybrid, all three elemental heads turn to look at eve and roars at her.

Eve:my oh my, quite the bad hygiene your pet hydra has.

The dark elf glares at her as she points at eve demandingly.

Dark elf woman:now my mythical beast, consume her! Once your done with her go after that demon skank that killed my beloved!

Eve:oh, a revenge story, hehehe just like the little novels I use to read in heaven.Well, As beautiful as the hydra is I'm afraid that beast isn't enough.

Eve was relax, smiling at the dragon.

Dark elf woman:you may be a hybrid from heaven and hell but I assure you young lady that this won't be easy.

This peeked Eve's interest.A hydra being able to give her a challenge.As long as it wasn't that terrible angel Eve was fine with it, after all she could use the exercise considering her past experiences with small fry's.

Eve:oh? Do tell me-

All of the hydra's heads started to spew the elements against her, firing everything they got.fire,ice and lightning was shot against the hybrid.Eve raises her right hand towards the blast absorbing it.the hydra continues to blast their elemental beams.

Eve:you think that this is enough for little old me? I've told you already that it won't work…

Eve then started to smile sinisterly as she gave a small chuckle.

Eve:but I do have to admire your commitment of your own devotion of love.i won't lie to you, I'm very jealous. You have someone to love you back.is it physical attraction,personality, or is it out of usefulness? It doesn't matter does it? You have feelings for someone so strong you're willing to die for them!

The dark elf is looking at eve in pure terror and disbelief.the hydra isn't doing anything to her from the constant beams of elemental energy.

Eve:I'll let you in on a little secret, I'm not use to this foreign concept of emotions myself, people say heaven is a wonderful place full of dreams that comes true with eternal rest…I personally think it was my eternal hell…

Eve raises her left hand as she then snap her fingers.This causes the hydra to disintegrate stopping the beams against her right hand.the dark elf is trembling in fear, that was her greatest summon.It was gone, reduced to nothing.

Eve:imagine being outcasted for being a hybrid? Someone they look down on or even hate? I know the Idiocracy of racism, from being a different race such as humans and elf's to the dumbassery of genetics.Their fighting each other based off of their skin…well at least you know what I mean eh dark elf.

Dark elf:sh-shut up! You know nothing about me!

Eve:your right, I don't…

Eve starts to look at her dead in the eyes as she slowly approach her, floating in the air.

Eve:and neither do you.

Eve was then instantly infront of her as she grabs the dark elf by the throat with her right hand lifting her above the ground.She is struggling within Eve's grasp.eve wasn't smiling anymore.Eve's expression is that of someone ready to rip a piece of paper, no care in the world, not even joy and yet what she see on Eve's face is the Personification of death…in her eyes eve is the angel of death, Azrael. The bones begin to crack as the elf's eyes watered.she's losing her breath, her oxygen more and more.the elf's struggles stops, she's too tired, and lost the will to life…she accepts her death, on her mind was the man she loved…maybe they will be reunited in the afterlife once she passes.Eve can see her face slowly turning purple as the hybrid smiles.

Eve:now that's a good look on you, I wonder what you look like in blue, no…red.

Eve starts to smile psychotically as the elf's eyes slowly pop out a bit with veins sowing on her face and eye balls.some of the tears landed on eves left cheek as she then licks the tears off of her face.But then she stops…remembering what Craig said to her.she will kill when he say so.if she kills now that will be defying his orders.eve then started to think about how nicely she was treated by him, he may be strict but he hasn't felt Ill will towards her nor made her do something she didn't want…after all he has risked his own life for her despite her appearance.their were also the people living in the house with her too, they may be annoying but they aren't bad people nor were they treating her poorly.Eve throws the elf to the side making her cough and gag.she was slowly regaining color on her face as she pants and breathes as much air as she can.she was deprived of oxygen so it makes sense. Eve looks down on her like an ant.

Eve:be grateful that my master has order me not to kill anyone unless his say so…but I don't think I'm that envy anymore, I finally found a place to stay and made some…how you call it, friends? Now my master may be a forgiving person but don't expect me to be the same next time around.

The elf looks at her in pure terror, there is someone strong enough to control her? Something with such strength can be swayed by just a command, just words?

Eve:don't come after them, or else It won't be a slap on the wrist the next time around.

Eve disappears instantly leaving the elf to sit their and think things over.what can she do against a monster like that? She started to doze off a bit.


Cammy and domino enters the house.


Domino: sorry for being late, we smashed a giant rock on the way here.

Eve flew down the stairs with a small smile on her face.

Eve:that's great to hear,I'm honestly curious on how you're going to mess this up.

Cammy started to glare at her.

Cammy:I can fucking cook!

Domino:like how you were getting cooked at that video game?

Eve let out a small giggle as Cammy glares domino down.

Cammy: Nǐ hěn xìngyùn, wǒ xīnqíng hěn hǎo, fǒuzé wǒ huì bǎ nǐ jiā dào dùn cài lǐ.

Domino and eve didn't know what she said but before they can ask eve and Cammy started to hear someone in their minds.

Craig(mind):there are going to be friends of mine v-visiting.please don't do a-anything bad to them.S-Steve and Lily are with them.

Cammy(mind):ok master!

Eve(mind):we'll make sure they get a warm welcome.

Domino looks at the eve and Cammys change of mood.

Domino:let me guess, he's coming home?

Eve:not exactly.

Cammy:more like his pals are coming over, I wonder what their like?

Cammy started to think as she placed her groceries on the kitchen counter.

Eve:I know the two of them, one is a guy that's very calm and collective.then there is that little girl that's very cheerful.

Domino places her groceries down on the table as she thinks for a moment.

Domino:question, what's her name?


Domino's eye widened a bit looking quite shocked.

Domino:I've actually met her one time.

Eve and Cammy looks at her in surprise.

Domino:I was walking with your grumpy master when we bump into each other…she was alright.

Domino looks away a bit.

Cammy:Interesting, I'm going to make the food.

Cammy went into the kitchen as she applies an apron and started to make that ramen she promised to make.

Domino:while she's doing that we're going to get you into…proper clothes.

Eve looks at domino with a deadpan expression.

Eve:is it because I'm showing too much skin?

Eve raises an eye brow as domino starts to clap her hands together.

Domino:ding ding ding, we have a winner, your prize is free clothing to make your self not look like a complete sl-

Eve smacks her upside the head.

Domino:ah, bitch.

Domino throws the cloths at eve as she catches them and start to go up the stairs.

Eve:fyi, don't blame me, blame the black smith that made this armor, apparently the material and it's magical enchantments are better then most suits of armor.

Domino:you sure it wasn't a pervert tricking you?

The noise upstairs was a door slamming shut.Domino sighs as she then checks how many more cigs she has left before closing the pack.

Domino:maybe I should've grabbed a few packs after all…

Domino was going to the front door when she hears a knock on the door.

Domino:that's gotta be them.

Domino grabs the handle with her Bonney hand and started to twist it to the right as she slowly opens the door to greet them.

Next chapter