
New roommate?


Craig arrived back at his house looking around.He was making sure that nothing happened to it since he was gone before he would enter the house.Craig starts to make his way towards the living room.When he got there he sees the girls and the reptiles that use to be residents of the sewers are now sitting together within the area.

Grootslang:and that was how I arm wrestled Hercules.....it was….embarrassing to say the least at how badly I lost to him.

Grootslang looks completely bashful from his supposed humiliating story, but since Craig wasn't there he doesn't know the details to it but he was rather very interested on how this reptile met Hercules.That curiosity was short lived as he started to stare at the two reptiles as well as domino and the couches they were sitting at.Craig wasn't happy at the fact that their very unclean,left tracks in the house and was sitting on the couches.

Craig:….did the three of you clean your selfs before sitting there?

Everyone in the room was a bit jumpy from Craig returning sooner then they expected as they were shaking a tad bit except domino who looked a tad worried.


Domino stands up first looking a tad nervous.

Domino:w-well, when we got back most of them were tired-

Craig:and non of you tried to clean yourself….

Craig leans into her face so they could see eye to eye.

Craig:after entering the sewers, covered in waste, yet you have the time and energy to sit on my couch…defiling it with urine and manure?

Craig was definitely not happy about this.his eyes weren't glaring, it was if he was a parent talking to his own kids about the mess they made.

Craig:the three of you will take a shower, then clean up this mess.I'll take a shower after the two of you are done…Grootslang, your coming with me…..wait…

Craig looks back at the giant reptile then back at everyone else before looking at eve.

Craig(mind):d-did you shrink him just to fit through the doors?

Eve(mind):I have-

Craig(mind):before you put him back to normal size…why?


Eve started to blush in embarrassment at how counter productive that was.

Craig:….eve shrink him so I can bath him out back.

Eve:yes master.

Domino eyes widened a bit as she looks at eve with curiosity.

Domino:I thought you guys said you weren't into that crappy foreplay?

Craig's eyes widened a bit.

Cammy:ah Scheisse.

Cammy facepalmed at eve's stupidity.


Eve tilted her own head in confusion as Craig wasn't in his happy place internally screaming at this ludicrous situation he was placed in.

Cammy:you know what, might as well tell you guys the truth.but first, did you know that god is dead?


Steve ducked as an arrow passes by him making him roll away.Steve looks at the skeleton that shot at him.


Knight:be wary….his master is close…by.

Steve looks at the supposed knight as in disbelief, first a chick punches a dude so hard he's in literal comatose, and now a walking skeleton trying to kill him.

Steve(mind):Craig would be flabbergasted at this situation…but it looks slow and stiff…after his next shot maybe I should rush it?

Steve then gets into a boxing stance as he bouncing up and down a bit.he slowly steps forward in stance as he breaths in and out.

Steve(mind):remember what Craig taught you on the importance of breathing.

Steve continues his advance as the skeleton archer was slowly getting his arrow ready, it slowly drags the string back.Steve saw this as he started to Bob and weave slowly.The skeleton releases the arrow as Steve dodges at the right time before charging at it.

Steve(mind):wide open!

Steve got close before giving him a quick left jab stunning the skeleton before giving him a right hook to the face putting everything he has into it,his arm,his back,his legs, including his hips when he motioned for the punch, caving it's face in as it gets launched off of its body making the skeleton crumble to pieces.Steve then blows at his fist getting dust off of it.

Steve:And that's how the cookie crumbles…holy shit, how am I going to explain this to Craig?

Steve see's that his hand was slightly bleeding from punching the skeleton.

Steve:if I was wearing some gloves it would of cushion the blow.

Knight:thank you kind sir, I'm sorry that I was too wounded to help you within your battle.

The knight coughs bits of blood as Steve walks up to him.

Steve:hey, what the hell is going on here? You said that thing has a master meaning there's more of them.if I help you, would that mean trouble will happen down the road?

Steve looks at the knight coldly, his face wasn't carefree anymore.

Knight:…yes, but I'm afraid you already have a target on your back from fighting that lowly undead…even if it was self defense or even helping a fool like me…they'll come after you next.

The knight coughs some more as Steve kept his cold stare at him.

Knight:if you would kindly hand me that potion over there…it can heal me from my wounds.

Steve looks at where the knight weakly pointed at and then looks back at the knight.

Steve:and how should I trust you?

Knight:you don't…

The knight coughs some more as Steve sighs.

Steve:damn, I guess I'll do it.

Knight:thank you…

Steve went to the left of the knight as he then grabs the bottle with the glowing red liquid.

Steve:wow, that's a fancy lava lamp you got here…

Steve walks up to the knight to hand it to him.

Knight:you can make lamps out of lava?

Steve looks at him dumbfounded before laughing a bit.

Steve:no, it's not made of lava. It's just some fancy lamp from the 80's…was it the 80's?

Steve was thinking for a moment not paying attention to the knight as he chugs the potion before exhaling.Steve looks back at the knight hearing bones cracking from his body.the noses stops as he gets back up.

Knight:much better!

The knight cracks his neck a couple of times before stretching here and there.Steve looks at him in complete shock seeing him moving again.

Knight:I am in your debt young man, what is thou's name?

Steve:thou?…just call me Steve.

Knight:ah, Steve, I am sir Alcock the great at your service.

The knight kneels to Steve.Steve stares at the knight wide eye as he started to see a collar appeared on his neck and the chains attached to Steve's hand.


Steve:I used a spell to make me your servant my lord, and quite frankly this is the first time I've served before but worry not, I sir Alcock will serve to the best of my abilities.

Steve looks dumbfounded at how this happened.



Cammy:and that's why everyone and everything is killing each over because they want to be god…any questions?

Back to everyone in the living room. Domino,the reptiles and Craig seems to have been cleaned up with domino wearing a separate set of cloathing then she was wearing.she's wearing a set of jeans and a black shirt.

Domino:ok…so gods dead….you three are basically a team…Grootslang here and the kid was also forced to be contenders like the ball of sunshine there-

Domino points at Craig with her thumb as he was leaning towards the wall staring at them.

Grootslang:that is correct.

Grootslang was basically half as big as he once was because of eves magic.

Eve:and because of that we basically have this spell on us so we can communicate with each other mentally.

Domino:and it was willingly?

Cammy:basically eve became his slave without his consent while I tried to make him my retainer without his consent which ultimately backfired on me making me his slave.

Cammy laughs a bit.

Cammy:it can't be helped.

Domino has her hands together as her head was lowered a bit.she was taking a deep breath before pointing her hands at them while looking like she was done with their shit.

Domino:Got it.now that I know how bad the world went since I was dead.plus I have nothing better to do since my cloths are in the washing and what not.

Domino gets up and sits on the couch that her and the reptiles recently cleaned up.

Craig:....I'm guessing the three of you are spending the night?

Grootslang:no, pebbles and I are grateful for your generosity, but we have to get going on finding a better home then here.

Grootslang puts his hands up defensively

Grootslang:no offense but it might get crowded here if we stayed.

Pebbles nodded.Craig looks at the child as they seemed to be starving.Craig sighs as he went to the kitchen.

Craig:at least eat something before you go.

Grootslang's eyes widened a bit as he was in shock.

Grootslang:a-are you sure that's wise?

Craig:just shut up and be grateful, I'm not letting you two go till your full.

Grootslang and pebbles looks at each other as Craig started to work up a storm in the kitchen as the rest of the house hold seems to be watching t.v.As the night sets in the group except Craig was looking at this feast in front of them like it was their last meal.their eyes sparkled as they begin their prayers with the reptiles mimicking everything that Craig was doing.afterwards they ate some pineapple before digging into the feast in front of them.Craig was polite and ate at his own pace while everyone else was scarfing it down.the burgers,the cheddar hammed potatoes, the dragon eggs(basically a chicken recipe involving chicken breasts wrapped around with strips of bacon and the filling is a jalapeño and cheese filling with cheese sauce and chives.) and even the salmon was devoured.craig only ate the salmon and the raw broccoli and raw cauliflower as he see's them enjoying his food.

Cammy:this is so good~

Cammy seems to be in tears from how good this was.

Eve:this is what heaven truly taste like Isn't it.

Eve was on the same boat as Cammy while domino was just hungry.the reptiles seems to be overturned with joy from this food, Craig can tell that they haven't eat for weeks on end.

Domino:how in the world do you come up with these recipes?

Craig:I've seen a cook book as well as watching cooking channels.then I start to add a few adjustments on them…it's not rocket science.

Domino seems to glare a bit before shrugging.after a while of talking and eating Craig cleans everything up as he exits the kitchen to see the girls and the reptiles near the front door.

Grootslang:thank you for everything, we cannot thank you enough for this.

Pebbles nodded happily as the kid was smiling at them.

Cammy:don't thank us, it was his doing after all.

Eve:he's very generous despite how people viewed him.

Domino:don't be a stranger now.

Craig made his way to them as he looked at Grootslang as he is normal size now outside.

Craig(mind):it stinks that their leaving but a-at least I made a new friend.

Craig:good luck out there…don't die.

Grootslang smiled as he nodded.

Grootslang:Don't worry, we'll comeback some day.

As the reptiles departed into the night Craig went back inside with everyone else.

Cammy:welp I'm go to turn in for the night.

Craig:before everyone retires I have something to say.


Lily was sleeping on her bed as Kitsune was curled up next to her.thinking about what to do tomorrow.


Steve was on his bed as he was talking with the knight.

Steve:god's dead…and your apart of this battle royal?

Alcock:that is correct my lord.

Now that Steve has a good look of Alcock his armor was rusty and plain, the knights height appears to be exactly six foot.The knights weapon appears to be a cheep short sword and a beaten up wooden sheild.

Steve:.....if Craig finds out he might have a panic attack.

The knight tilted his head curiously.


Steve:he's a good pal of mine from middle school.I might introduce you to him later though.

The knight nodded as he stays on the ground on his knees.

Alcock:if he's as good as he sounds then it would be delightful to meet him in person.I'm sure he's quite the gentleman.

Steve looks a tad shock at his statement before chuckling.this knight was genuine and somehow doesn't know about his reputation.

Steve(mind): I'm sure Craig would like another friend.


The girls looked in shock at to this revelation.

Cammy:a vampire?!

Eve:I thought they went extinct within the age of flying machines.

Eve ponders at the revelation of the vampires existence.

Domino:a blood sucker…great, from holy birds to bloody mosquitos.

Craig sighs.

Craig:and she wants to meet me at the exact spot we met.


Craig:night time.But I have a plan.

After some time later of explaining the plan to the girls Everyone went to their established sleeping rooms.Craig was in his bed as he lays there analyzing everything that happened today.how everything went and what to do.he has school tomorrow as well as a meeting with Luna bloodmoon.Craig then looks at eve who was staring at him.she was sitting on her knees.

Craig:…do you know anything about that angel by any chance?

Eve was a tad jumpy but nodded.

Craig:...…..what happened between the two of you?

Craig was looking at eve in the eyes.

Eve looks away as her wings and tail lower with what appears to be sadness and fear.Craig was analyzing her gestures and positions.He knows how Eve acted during his time with her at school including her panic earlier.

Craig:if it's too much then you don't have to.I'm not going to force it out of you…

Eve looks at him a bit timid.

Craig:good night eve…I hope you feel better.

Eve eyes widened a bit as she nodded.Eve started to ponder and remember some of the stuff from her past.Times where that angel were bullying her, treating her like a freak, moments where it gotten physical and she would get abused by her and her friends.Eve grips her knees and glares at her hands thinking about how pathetic she is and how she couldn't give Craig an answer.But it all subsided as she looks at him.She hasn't felt at peace as much as she had with her new friend.

Eve:maybe…maybe I've finally found somewhere to belong with…

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