
A date?

Craig was up all night...he couldn't rest because of the gunshots from earlier...



The two we're looking at each other for a moment before the sun started to shine.

Craig:...it's time.

Eve looked at Craig confusedly.


Craig:To meet up with someone.

Eve:What about school master?

Craig:Today is a Saturday, there are no school days within the weekend...

Eve:I see, it's similar to what god did.

Craig:I'm assuming that your talking about how they made earth? I know what that is. In the first, Elohim,the Hebrew generic word for God, creates the heavens and the Earth in six days, then rests on, blesses and sanctifies the seventh. I learned this from the Biblical Sabbath. Plus we have two days off instead of one during school...Unless it's at a different country then it is one day.

Eve:My my master, you certainly have done your homework~


Craig started to get his collar on as he started to walk away.

Craig:I'll skip the exercises today, with the lack of sleep as well as the little play date with sleep deprivation I'm basically conserving energy.

Eve:You know that I can protect you master.

Craig:Focus on your self before worrying about others.The last thing I need is someone dying for no reason.

Craig go's out the front door as he gave eve a banana.

Eve:I'm afraid I can't do that.

Craig:I'm very flattered that you see me of some importance but-

Eve gets in-front of him with a smile.

Eve:you said it yourself didn't you? All life-

Craig:is precious.I remember that.

Eve:In any case i should-

Craig:if you're asking me to go on one of your flying trips again then I'll pass...

Craig(mind):I'm n-not one for motion sickness but it was very hard to breathe within the altitude we were in.

Craig continues to walk as eve follows him.

Craig:we're taking my short cut into the city.

Eve:and where is that?

Craig and eve started to walk into the pipe as eve covered her nose.

Eve:th-this smells like-

Craig:manure and ammonia.

Eve:I was going to say piss and shit.

Eve continues to cover her nose in disgust.

Craig:they're one of the same. But...you'll get use to it after a while.

Eve:I don't think I will.

After some time walking in the sewers Craig started to climb up a ladder that leaded them to the ally way that his short cut usually is after school.

Craig:I'm about three minutes early from the meeting point.

Eve:You seem to know the time master?

Craig:Photographic memory, once I've seen the clock I start counting the seconds, minutes and hours within my head, it's about six fifty seven am...six fifty eight.

Eve:Photographic memory?

Craig:...Think of it as...always remembering everything, every detail, every fact that you learn you'll always remember it...actions and memories...even if you don't want to remember them...it'll...always stay with you....

Craig looked away as eve looked at him, but before she can say anything Craig's eyes widened a bit.

Craig:She's early...

Eve looked at Lily as she seemed to be checking the time as Craig silently walked up to her.

Eve:What seems to be the plan master?

Craig(mind):I-I want to c-catch up with her.

Eve:That seems to be the plan-


Eve looked at Craig in a shocked manner as she felt hurt by it.

Craig(mind):I-It's not you or a-anything it's more...of a private matter then anything...plus we might be attacked by any other participants from your tournament.

Eve:I see, in other words it's to lower casualties from an unexpected fight if I ever get into one...very well master, I'll watch you from a far.

Craig:Like a guardian angel.

Eve giggles with a smirk on her face.

Eve:That would be a wonderful job to have...if I was a pure blood of coarse.

Craig looked at eve a bit and wonder, what is heaven and hell really like, guardian Angel is a job granted to them? Why is it only a pure blooded angel to take that role...A question For another day Craig thought.

Craig(mind):c-consider yourself t-to be hired.

Eve looked at Craig for a moment before giggling.

Eve:I'll do my best master~

Eve flew away as Craig was getting closer to lily.Craig's footsteps were silent, not even a sound escape from his steps.

Lily:I think I'm a little-

Craig wants to greet her, but because of the rumors he wants it to be secretive, hence on the two of them being there early in the morning.So he thought of grabbing her out of the line of sight.


Craig grabs lily by the mouth and his arm around her torso as he looked down on her. His eyes widened a bit as he realized on what this looks like.

Craig(mind):o-oh no, why did I do that! This looks like I'm kidnapping her towards the dark alleyway to do unspeakable things to her...

Lily looked up a bit as she stopped struggling.


Craig was in deep thought as he didn't notice what lily was saying.

Craig(mind):I need to tell her that she shouldn't be screaming or else it will look like that I'm going to kidnap her and or do something worse to her, o-ok, I can do this.

Craig looked at her coldly, with no emotion on his face.

Craig:If you scream, It'll only get worse.


Lily was shocked at what he said with a small blush on her face.

Craig's eyes widened a bit.


Craig was having a mental crisis as he didn't move from his position nor expression as lily started to giggle.


Lily(muffled):Oh it's you Craig, for a second there I thought you were someone else.

Lily was giggling as he sees her grip on his thumbs lessened.

Craig(mind):she knows how to get out of grabs.by grabbing the thumb and pulling it...Wait I should put her down.

Craig gently place lily down as she smiled at him.

Lily:If you wanted a hug that badly you should of said so.

Lily smiled ear to ear as Craig stares at her.


Lily giggles as she grabbed him by the wrist and started to drag him.

Lily:Come on Craig, I know a good pancake shop nearby!


lily:You know about it?

Craig:It was there since 10 years ago.

Lily:Really? That's two years after I moved away...

Craig can sense tension with in her, he may be bad at socializing as well as social awareness but even he can tell by the tone in her voice as well as her grip...He knows that it's a bad time to bring it up.

Craig:...Yes...it was...I missed you...

Lily continues to drag him as she share him a gentle smile.

Lily:I missed you too Craig, now come on! Let's stop being sad and start getting in!

Lily and Craig entered the cafe. It was empty except for the employees there.One of the waitresses was cleaning the counter as she heard the bells ringed.

Waitress:Ah hello their may I...take your...order...

She looks at Craig as she started to sweating. He eyes widened in fear as she sees this man in front of her.


Craig(mind):Th-This isn't good...She's already scared of me without knowing who I am! Ok Craig, these are my options, option one is interacting with her, the pros are slim to the cons as the cons are my lack of social experience. Plus early with lily gave me little to no confidence on talking to people.Option two, letting lily talk for me. She's a people person as far as I remember from my time with her in elementary, more pros then cons with this option. Option three, walking out of the restaurant, no pros but only cons, it might ruin her hangout so that option is left out already. Option four, taking a seat silently isn't the best option but not the worst...There are a bunch of o-other options but I think o-option two is the safest bet...

Craig looked at lily who seems to be happy...he can feel the aura around it...


Lily looked at him happily.


Craig:Can you...

Craig looked at the trembling waitress as lily got the idea.

lily:Yes please, I would like a table for us if you don't mind.

The waitress looked at lily as she seemed to calm down a bit...she seemed to be staring at her now.

Lily:Oh, and don't worry about Craig, he may look scary but deep down he's a-

Craig grabbed her shoulder while staring at her. Lily looked confused as the waitress looked at the two with different auras.Craig's was bloodlust, and scary while Lily's was innocent and happy like aura...It was completely opposite of each other making the waitress feel...Balanced out...And curious about the two.

Waitress:R-Right this way you two.

Lily drags Craig over to the table near a window.

Waitress:Here they are, I-I'll go get the menus for you two.

As the waitress left lily was humming a toon as Craig looked around the dinner.

Lily:So craig, how's your dad?

Craig looked at lily as his expression didn't change.

Craig:...The old man is doing alright.

Lily:That's good to hear! Made any new friends?

Craig:...I made two new friends...

Lily:Thats nice to know, I've actually met one of them.


Lily:Yeah, his name was Steve.

Craig:How did you two meet?

Lily:He approached me when he saw me talking to you.

Craig's eyes widened a bit.

Craig:...Did he say anything to you?

Lily:Just some small talk about you.

Lily giggles as Craig eased up a bit.


Lily:And it's just some stuff about how I know you and what not.


Craig stares at her before the waitress walked in with two menus as the waitress shakes a bit.

Waitress:wh-what can I get you two on something to drink? We-we have water, lemonade, strawberry lemonade, blueberry lemonade, as well as blackberry lemonade, we have milk, chocolate milk, strawberry milk as well as banana milk, juices such as apple juice, orange juice, grapefruit juice, grape juice as well as drinking yogurt and sodas.

She was fidgety as Craig looked at the maid with a brow raised.He was honestly impressed at the variety of drinks to offer within the diner

Lily:I'll take the orange juice.

She smiled as the waitress blushes a bit at how adorable she is.

Waitress:o-ok, um...and how...would you like your's...sir?

She was still shaky as she was about to write down Craigs order.


Waitress:o-ok, coming right u-up...

She gave them the menus and slowly went into the kitchen.Craig and lily were left alone as Craig looked at lily staring at him.

Craig(mind):ok craig...simple small talk, your not use to this but if you can talk to the hybrid of gods Bible I'm certainly sure that you can do this without messing up...the ally way was a fluke because of the situation I put myself into...I'm more surprised at her not being angry at me for doing that...or scared...

Craig:...so....how are you feeling...lily?

Lily smiled.

Lily:I'm doing very well, especially when I'm hanging out with an old friend of mine.

Craig(mind):that sounds nice...but...

Craig saw her happy expression.By the looks of it she looks content but...he's been around enough people to spot a lie.

Lily:what about you Craig? How are you doing?

Craig(mind):let's see now, I'm still feared by the people around me because of my looks and rumors, I've basically seen a man died from the evidence of the Bible being real, housing the hybrid of total destruction as well as there being a tournament where the winner becomes the next lord of all is because GOD IS DEAD!!!...in other words I'm feeling.

Craig looked at her without changing his expression.


Lily was giggling.

Lily:I'm sorry, it's just that you changed so much in between the years, please tell me what you have been doing?

Craig:...I have a greenhouse...

Lily:like flowers and plants?

Craig nodded.

Lily:that sounds amazing, you have to let me see it some time!

Craig looked at her for a moment...


Lily fist pumped while whispering yes.

Craig(mind):she hasn't changed at all...

The waitress walked in shaking the tray in nervously as she try's to get to the table.

Waitress:ok, I can do thi-AHHH!

Craig looked at the back to see her trip with the drinks flying towards them everything slowed down.In high speeds he grabbed her and jumped out of the way, lily and Craig was standing There as things went back to normal, the drinks splashed against the seats and table as lily blinked a couple of times...she looked confused as she looked at the seats.

Lily:what happened? We were sitting just a second ago.

Craig released his grip from her shoulders.


He looked at the seats then back at lily as he released his grip.


Lily:about what???

Craig:...being on edge...I'm going to check the floors to see what caused her to trip.

Craig walked over to where she tripped as the waitress was getting her bearings.


The waitress see's him looking at the rug as he flattened the lump.

lily:here, let me help you up miss.

Lily started to help her up as the waitress started to apologize like crazy.


Lily saw the seats being soaked with water and oj as she looked back at the waitress.

lily:it's ok, we all make mistakes.even if it's something minor or something major.

The waitress looked relieved as Craig hovered over them making her nervous again.

Craig:do your best to not make the same mistake again.

Waitress:y-yes sir...

The waitress shakes as Craig sighs.

Craig:...where should we sit?

Lily:hmmmm...maybe over there.

Lily points at a different seat as the two go there.

Lily:so Craig, are people still messing with you by any chance?

Craig eyes widened a bit.

Craig:you still remember the times I've been bullied?

Lily:in all honesty, ever since I left I was scared for you.You're always, in their eyes an easy target to mess with.You stuttered a lot, very shy, as well as not very good with talking to people.

Craig(mind):my life s-summery in two sentences.

Lily:day after day the kids messed with you, you basically bruised up and cried.

Craig stares at her without changing his expression...his mind on the other hand was a completely different story, it was sad and displeasing.he doesn't want to think about those times nor the moments of his misery.

Craig:...I've gotten tougher...and bigger...ever since my growth spurt at sixth grade people started to feel unsettled around me...before sixth grade my father taught me his family's martial arts I'd learned how to defend myself since then...

Lily:wow...hey Craig, I actually know how to defend myself too.

Craig:I can tell by your grip of my thumb that you know a thing or two...

lily:you noticed?

Lily then remembered the time in the alleyway.

Lily:oh yeah, when you told me that you'll Har-


Lily looked at the waitress as she got the idea.

Lily:never mind!

Craig sighs as he went to the table with lily close behind him.

lily:I have a question Craig, how did we move from the table like that?

Lily then gasps.

lily:are you a magician?!

Craig:...you think i am made of magic?...tch, I'm more surprised that you didn't noticed us moving when we did.

Craig and Lily finally get back to sitting at a table as they got their drinks.

Craig:so, what do you know?

Lily:about what?

Lily happily drank her oj happily.

Craig:...self defense...

Lily:oh! Well I know how to grapple!

Craig:traditional wrestling from school?

Lily:eeeyup! I know all sorts of holds and pins, I can even knock you on your rump.

Lily giggles.

Craig(mind):I-I should try my best not to mess with ground fighting grapplers, martial arts are basically fighting on your feet instead of the ground, even the best martial artist will have troubles if they have to fight on the ground with no experience of it...if I recall that is to say the least.

Craig:...I wouldn't doubt it considering the difference between our fighting styles...

Lily:heh, but I'm very certain that you're the better fighter here.

Craig:I wouldn't say that...

Waitress:so...U-um what would you like to eat?

Craig:I don't want anything...

Waitress:o-ok, um, and for you?

Lily:I would like some pancakes!

Craig(mind):o-of coarse you will...

As time went by they discussed a bunch of things such as the music they listen to as well as other things they do.

Craig:your undefeated?

Lily:eeeyup, I'm surprised that I haven't lost yet.

Craig:it could be your weight class of having to be one of the lightest members of your team.

Lily:oh stop it Craig, your too nice to me.

Lily giggles.

Craig:...are you sure your still hungry?

Lily:well yeah, why do you ask?

Craig:you ordered about ten servings of lumberjack stack style flapjacks...do you have high metabolism?

Lily:do you mean the thing that doesn't get you fat?

Craig nodded as she smiled.

Lily:then I have it!

Waitress:here are some more!

Lily:thank you!

Craig:...this is going to be a fortune...

Lily:don't worry Craig, I was going to pay for my food anyways.

Craig:...we have about ten minutes left before we can move to the next location...


Lily started to devour the pancakes super fast to Craig's surprise.

Craig(mind):I'm st-starting to wonder what type of work out she has done to require this much food to replenish the l-lost energy...

Lily was done in no time as she has bits of syrup on her lips and cheek.


After they paid for the pancakes and drinks they started to walk around the city, it was 7:30 am.

Craig:...where else would you like to go to?

Eve:I'm honestly good with anything as long as we get to hangout and catch up.

Craig:why not we-

Craig looked ahead of him to see a child walking in the middle of the crossroads as a truck was going to hit them.Craig's eyes widened as time slowed down, his body reacted on his own jumping and grabbing the child out of the way from the vehicle.Craig landed while looking at the child to see if their ok.

Craig:...look both ways before crossing the road...if you don't then you'll end up road kill...

Craig was panting as he felt very fatigue from doing all that in a very fast motion, the child doesn't seem scared of him as they nodded and started to walk away after thanking him for saving their life.

Craig(mind):I-I'm starting to get tired...I need to rest before my body goes numb...

Lily ran up to Craig looking distraught as she checked if he was doing ok.

Craig:I'm.....fine....I just need....some rest....

Craig was panting slowly as he's trying to control his breathing...His heart is racing at a very fast manner as he looked at her.

???:excuse me.

Craig and lily looked towards where the sound was coming from to see an officer of the law.

Officer:are you Craig Armstrong?


Officer:I would like you to come with me for questioning if you don't mind.

Craig's eyes widened a bit in shock and confusion.


Lily:what did he do wrong officer?

Officer:if I recall someone told me that this man has sexually assaulted a little lady as well as possibly raped said woman.


Craig then knows what he was talking about. He remembered grabbing lily as well as saying some words he wasn't supposed to say...Inside of his mind he was freaking out.


Craig was panicking as his nervous habit was slowly forming but stopped as he looked at lily getting infront of him.

Lily:He hasn't done anything of the sort! He was with me through out the whole morning! Plus if you're referring to me then I'll gladly take his place to explain the whole situation for you!

Lily looked at the cop seriously as Craig stared at lily...She was sticking up for him again...

Craig remembered it all when he was younger.People beaten him as well as bully him severely to the point where he couldn't emotionally function...Lily was there every time to fend them off from him and protect him from anymore of such actions that would harm him...She was the first person to be truly a friend...he finally get back to reality as he looked at the confused officer. Then what's behind him...something was charging at him...it was some sort of troll...Craig's eyes widened even more as his nervous habit as well as his survival instincts kicked in as his heart started to beat super fast.


Lily saw his nervous habit as it shocked her while the officer got intimidated by him, he was going to grab his taser but the troll threw his car into the distance as Craig grabbed lily and the officer and jumped out of the way as the two looked confused at to what's going on.

Craig(mind): T-This is very bad, this thing is after us with intent to kill! I need to get lily out of here before she gets hurt or worse!

As Craig landed he pushed the two away and dodged the trolls fist smashing the ground.


Lily and the officer was confused as they see the concrete being cracked as well as Craig moving away like he's dodging something.

Lily:what's going on? Craig are you-?

Craig:Officer! Get her out of here!

The officer snapped out of it and grabbed lily as he started to run with lily struggling to get out of his grip.

Lily:wha-?! Wait, no, let go of me!!! CRAAAAAIIIIIG!!!

Craig started to continue to dodge a bit as he started to run away from the troll as he started to think on what to do, he doesn't know the durability of the creature as well as the weaknesses. He also remembered that they didn't see the troll but he can...something isn't adding up but he knows where to go without getting any sort of casualty's. Craig ran through the alleyways as the troll keeps on fallowing him aimlessly as this was happening for five minutes. Afterwards he found an abandoned chemical store and jumped through the boarded window as he rolled a bit. He was breathing heavily as he looked around to see a bunch of chemicals.

Craig(mind):I need nitric acid and urea as well as sulfuric acid plus a bar of soap for the glycerol element. I'm sure this won't kill it but wounding it is something I want to do here...I can't believe I'm making nitroglycerin...

As Craig got to work on making the stuff he needed to make as the troll busted through the front making Craig turned around to see them charging at him. Craig slides between its legs as he ran away with the troll hitting what he was working on...everything slowed down as the batch of nitroglycerin was in the air with so much liquid surrounding the area as Craig was already at the other side of the street point his right arm at the troll with his hand being formed like a gun as he breathed in.

Craig:...check mate...

Craig then signaled his hand like it was firing a bullet but what came out was a fire ball heading towards the building.once it reached around the liquid the whole building exploded as the whole thing was on fire within the small crater.Craig coughs a bit as he covered his mouth. some blood came out as he breath's out smoke and started to sit down to control his breathing.

Craig(mind):i over exerted my body...I need rest before it becomes self destructive...

Craig continues to monitor his own breathing. Trying to keep his own body from pushing itself anymore as the troll slowly walks out of the fire bruised and burned with Craig opening his eyes staring at it down with his nervous habit kicking in...this scared the troll stiff as it can't move from fear.

Craig(mind): As suspected, it survived my trap...I-I'm basically out of options with my current condition...eve...can you help me?

Eve appeared as this shock the troll.

Eve:greetings master...it seems we have an unwanted guest here...may I get rid of it?

Craig:...as long as you don't kill it.

Eve chuckled.

Eve:thats a simple order, your wish is my command.

Eve snapped her fingers as the troll began to fall over knocked out.

Eve:I put a sleeping spell on it so I can grab him and go.

Eve and the troll disappear and eve reappear as she gave him a sly look.

Eve:I'm done master...wait, are you hurt?

Craig:...I've over exerted myself fighting that troll...I'm trying to get better...

Eve:well I can heal your wounds you know.

Craig:then can you please heal me...

Eve:your wish is my command master~...CURE!!!

Craig felt a restoring light filling up his body as he's being healed.

Craig:...thanks...are you able to do that without saying the name of the spell?

Eve:I can.

Craig:...tch, I have to go find lily now, this time I think you should tag along.

Eve:oh my, I'm going to be your wing man with your little date.

Craig:your more like a third wheel in a play date eve.

Eve:awww, and here I thought I can tease you. What a shame.

Eve chuckled as Craig sighs walking away to find his friend.After some time searching the city they found lily barging through a police station with a lot of words coming out of her mouth.

Craig:...relax lily, I've taken care of the problem-

Craig was caught of guard of by lily hugging him with bits of sobbing.


Eve looked at the two as she saw Craig thinking on how to respond to what he was going to do about it.

Craig(mind):ok...this is something I'm not used to...ok, just hug back Craig...nothing weird about it...

Craig was hesitant but he didn't seem to move.Eve stares at them for a moment with a smile.

Craig:I'm fine....you can let go now...

After some time Craig and lily were walking down the sidewalk while Craig try's his best to explain his situation without telling her about the tournament and the participation of becoming the one true god.

Craig:in other words...some spirit from the unknown....

Craig(mind):I'm a terrible liar, she can tell I'm not giving the full truth...luckily I'm able to tell half truths without problems but-

Lily:ok, I believe you...but how are you able to see them but the me and the officer couldn't?

Craig:The correct pronunciation is officer and I.To answer your question...I don't really know...

Eve:in all honesty I don't get it ether, I was watching the whole time to make sure you wouldn't get damaged nor hurt...you were able to see them but they couldn't...I'm guessing it's because you're my master?

Craig(mind):th-that doesn't really mean anything...I have one hypothesis f-for this but I might be wrong...

Lily:hmmmmmm...I guess we should go home now...I think we had enough excitement for today...well, for you I mean.

Craig:...I'm sorry...

Lily:it's ok Craig, you couldn't have known this was going to happen so there was nothing for you to apologize about.

Craig nodded his head as Craig and lily said their good byes.Craig continues to follow her undetected to make sure she gets home safely. Afterwards Craig and eve returned to the house as Craig lays down on his bed with eve floating near him, curious on what he is thinking.


Eve:Are you still thinking about the troll?

Craig:more on how I was able to see that thing and they couldn't...why would something with a feral mind be participating on becoming the lord of all?

Eve:...in all honesty I don't know myself...I guess anyone can become god...

Craig:it still doesn't make any sense...why in the world would there be something like that within participation of this grand....tournament.

Craig continues to think until it hit him.Craig started to widened his eyes in realization as he was going to say what he truly hypothesize on what he thinks until a bright light filled the room with eve looking in panic as she gets infront of Craig like she's shielding him.Craig hasn't seen her panic like that unless it involves her eating as well as for himself to be angry towards her.

???:greetings, my children, I am here for not to cause harm but a message to Craig Armstrong.

Craig looked at this unknown entity as the light blinds him, eve was ready for everything with bits of fear being shown.

Craig:the...holy spirit...

The entity chuckled.

Holy Spirit:correct...you seem to have done your homework my child...but I've come to bear a message...From now and till your demise I have granted you to become a participant on becoming the next god.

Craig's eyes widened as he doesn't know how to respond with eve looking at Craig with shock as the room was silent and the light continues to shine upon them.

Next chapter