
Sheep’s thoughts

Teacher:I asked you to,um tell us about your self...mr.Armstrong?

The teacher looked uneasy by Craig's stare.Craig sighs,closing his eyes to ponder.

Craig(mind):s-s-something about me?!um,ok,should I say martial arts?I mean my father taught me at a young age after all.No,if I do then the people would start marking more rumors about me!Like how I killed an entire biker gang by throwing fire balls or something d-dumb like that as well as a bunch of other stuff that's completely f-false!controlling the school?!Why is that a thing?!people have been giving these type of rumors since middle school!It gets worse and worse by the day!Ok,calm down Craig,tell them that you have nothing interesting to say about yourself.that'll work!

Craig:I have nothing to say about myself,I rather keep my personal life secretive,and besides, it's not even your business to ask me something so trivial.

When Craig said his peace, an aura of fear started to spew out of his body,a terrifying presence that turned the whole class from fear to dread.

Craig(mind):AHHHH!!!Why did I said that last bit?!that isn't how I should talk to a teacher!Oh dear this isn't good!um,what should I do,I might try to apologize but...

The teacher was shaking and sweating bullets.

Craig:what's wrong,scared of something?

Craig(mind):NO CRAIG!!!Stop making it worse!!!

Teacher:I-I just um, remember something um,class doesn't have homework tonight!or the rest of the year!I bid you all farewell!AND CLASS IS DISMISSED!!!

The teacher, for unknown reason just jumped out of the window in front of the class...on the second floor of the building...everyone ran towards the windows to see what happened to the teacher...luckily the fall didn't kill him rather just sprained his leg because of a conveniently placed truck of hay was there when he fell...Craig was still seated just looking at the window of what transpired...shocked with only his eyes slightly widened in shock...

Craig:...That's a new record...

Craig(mind):OH NO,I H-HOPE HES OK!I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO THAT TO HIM!!!...I hope dad isn't mad...

The students basically ran out of the classroom in fear for their life's leaving Craig all alone...

Craig sighs and takes a book out to read until next period.

Craig:...the art of war...

Craig(mind):I l-love this book,it has lessons and morals as well as good strategies...Hmm...the strong pretends to be weak while the weak pretends to be strong...I guess I'm weak then...

During the entire day at school it happened over and over like rinse and repeat...minus the window jumping,but regardless it was the same.

Afterwards it was finally the end of the day,Craig walked out of the school...hearing the students and their ramblings as well as spreading rumors again, but this time it was Craig throwing the teacher out of the window...Craig looked at them and they stopped like a herd of deer in head lights.

Craig:what was that about me?

The students yelled nothing before running away...

Craig(mind):g-great,more rumors about me...This is something I don't like at all,it always happens,when e-ever something bad happens they always blame me for the cause as well as add something to make it even more far fetched like they somehow think I'm the leader of a underground crime syndicate running the city or some nonsense like that...But...It's better then people messing with me...

Craig was in the middle of walking when a blonde Student came up to him,he has brown eyes with what looks to be casual wear,a blue t-shirt with some jeans,his build seems to be very fit,about average, but a fit build.

Blonde student:hey Craig,I heard you threw a teacher out of the window.

Craig:and, I heard your in the top five hottest boys in the school.

The kid chuckled.

Blonde student:alright Craig,what actually happened.

Craig:he jumped out the window Steve... I was honestly shocked.

Steve:yeesh, can you get my third period teacher next, she keeps talking on about her days as a mailman.

Craig:not funny Steve, he could of been killed.

Steve:well he ain't now is he, and besides it could have been worse.

Craig:...your going to jinx it you know that.

Steve:eh,it could, it couldn't,but all in all,a decent first day right?

Craig(mind):m-minus the t-teacher jumping out of the window then I'd say nothing else was negative.

Craig:...if you say so.

Steve:so Craig,when do you think we're going to hangout?

Craig:when no one can see us,especially our fellow classmates,they would make up false rumors about you too.

Steve:I suppose that's true, you always distance yourself from me because of what they would do to me, in all honesty I may be grateful but we should actually try to hangout at school yeah know.

Craig(mind):as nice as that sounds...it'll mean that people would shift their animosity from me to you...

Craig:...no promises...

Steve:I'll take that as a maybe. Welp, I'll talk to you soon then.

Craig looked at the ally way then back to Steve.


Steve started to walk away while Craig continues to stare at Steve until he's nowhere to be seen.

Craig(mind):I hope Steve makes it back home safely...he's the only friend I have here...

Craig then went into the ally way.As he walked through he remembers everything about it.it smells awful as well as how dark it is,surprisingly it's not that bad...well,except for the occasional verbal arguments from some couples here and there... possibly a gunfight between the two considering the police and the loud noises... ether way I digress.

Craig continues his walk until he found a man hole.

Craig(mind):here c-comes the worst part about this short cut.

Craig opens the man-hole and proceeds to climb down it.

Craig:...smells like manure...and ammonia...

Craig(mind):ewwww, I don't like this one bit, but it's the only thing I can do without people following me...especially after what happened today...

After ten minutes of walking within the sewer Craig found a pipe leading to an exit,as the light shines upon his eyes he could see his home,a nice looking house two story's high.The houses color scheme was white with black outlines. As well the shed next to the house...

Craig walked over towards the house...

Craig(mind):h-huh, I guess dad's not home...

Craig:more time to think of a way to explain the situation to him...

Craig went into the shed first...when he did he sees the garden he has.

Craig:...my greenhouse seems to be in order...

Craig(mind):I-I hope my flowers are ok...poor things,I-I forgot to water them today...well…more likely in a rush then forgetfulness.

Craig then goes to the cabinet to retrieve a watering pot...

Craig(mind):plants gives us oxygen,so in return I'll take care of them...

Craig:drink up,you'll need it.

Craig started to water the plants, afterwards he started to trim a couple of the low growing stems that started growing.after awhile Craig started to walk back into the house...

Craig(mind):it appeared that I took too long...I think by the way the sun is shining I'd say it's about 4:00...

Craig:faster then I expected, I suppose I should whip up some supper for the old man.

Craig walked into the house, after taking his shoes off as well as placing his stuff away.

Craig then started to walked through the kitchen,everything was set up.

Craig(mind):n-now, it's time to-

As soon as Craig got done with his preparations he started to hear a phone ringing.

Craig:what is it now?(sounding annoyed)

Craig searched for his phone within his pockets. He found it after a moment.the caller id was labeled dad...


Craig then proceeds to answer.


Craig's dad:h-hey son, how are you?

Craig:I'm doing well,you

Craig's dad:I'm doing alright, I was at your great aunts house talking about getting you a g-gift.

Craig(mind):a gift?

Craig:you don't have to dad.

Craig's dad:I know, it's just that I think you have done such a w-wonderful job doing what your doing.

Craig(mind):after having the teacher jumped out of the window I guess I should take it as a break considering the day I've been having.

Craig:...thanks dad.

Craig's dad chuckled

Craig's dad:I'll be home as soon as p-possibly so we can discuss our day.I love you C-Craig.

Craig:love you too...

Craig hangs up the phone...

Craig(mind):I-I wonder what the gift is...

As Craig continues what he was supposed to do all he heard was a loud boom...it shook the house a bit making Craig a bit unbalanced...

Craig(mind):w-what was that?!an earthquake,no it wouldn't make that noise, now that I think about it, it wasn't like a seismic wave, A.) it would continue to shake until cracks and tears on the crust of the earth would form, letting the earth cool off so it won't over heat...and B.)-

Craig:this is Florida...How in the world would there be earthquakes here...It wouldn't make sense...

Craig(mind):now that I think about it, it did snow once here, as well as a couple of tornadoes here and there...I suppose I should check it out real quick...dinner isn't going anywhere after all...plus some of the meat needs to thaw out anyways...

Craig walked outside of the house,it was...night?

Craig:...thats odd...

Craig(mind):isn't it s-suppose to be around five?that's impossible, why is it dark outside?!

Craig looked to his left to see smoke forming in the distance.

Craig:...an asteroid?

Craig(mind):please tell me it's just space rocks! I don't want it to be a plane crash!

Craig ran over towards the smoke...within the smoke there was a crater...

Craig:...no water?

Craig(mind):was it so hot that it evaporated the water underneath the ground? I suppose that would explain the smoke...holy moly that's a big crater...

Within the crater seems to be a figure, Craig then went into the crater to investigate...

Craig:...I wonder what it could be?

Craig(mind):there is no way it could be a living creature, by the shape of the crater towards the center as well as how fast it was going,or I assumed it was going,it's more or less has to be an asteroid,or meteorite that fell from the sky...hopefully it's that instead of a space station...with people in it...

When Craig got closer towards the center, he started to see what's in it...

Craig:...a woman?-

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