
Chapter 2: Tuesday

Trent P.O.V

Trent:*wakes up thinking: what was that yesterday? the moment my cousin told me that Brandon has feelings for nerdy girl I felt so..so weird..I have never felt like that before much less for someone I never noticed..until maybe now**gets dressed and goes downstairs for breakfast*

Trent's mom:"hey sweetie how was school yesterday?..anything you wanna share?"

Trent:*looks at her like 😑* "did my cousin tell you something? and truth You and I both know your not good at lying"

T's mom:*sighs*"yes she told me, but honey maybe what your feeling it's a good thing maybe you finally found her even if you think it's not her"

Trent:"so your telling me I can mate with a human? you and dad have always told me well specially dad that it had to be from our pack or another pack"

T's Mom:"well your not wrong on that but I talked to your father he has an announcement today"

Trent:"mom what did you do? and what do you mean?"

T's mom:"your dad is announcing that for those that have not found there mate maybe even the ones that are older than the teenager they can go around dating, find the one,and mate with them"

Trent:"mom stop the lies your not good with them"

Trent's Dad:"she's not lying my son. I'm going to make that announcement so you better start figuring out what it is your feeling for that girl"

Trent:"thing is: I know we had a connection I felt it but I still don't know what that connection might be"

Lucia (nurse/cousin):" OH FOR GOD IS SAKE! you stupid little cousin this that you might be feeling is LOVE!!! geez something you probably never felt before because of your playing around and bullying!"

Trent:"oh shut up cousin what would you know!"

Lucia:"um I know 'cause I finally found the one"

T's mom:"OMG that's such great news, do we know him?"

Lucia:"actually he's the school is doctor yesterday when he wanted to talk I felt something weird..he actually ask me out. I thought he was joking until he gave me a serious look..like a wolf look for a moment I thought that's what it was...so I accepted we going out later tonight and by how this date goes I'll see if he's the one or not"


Lucia:"OH SHUT UP YOU MORON! you don't have permission to say anything 'cause you yourself don't know what your feeling for that girl until you actually go on the study date with her!!"

T's Dad & Mom:"WAIT A DATE?!?!?"

T's mom:"honey could this be it??!?!

T's Dad:"as in we becoming grandparents too soon??"

T's Mom & Lucia:"wow your a pervert worse than Trent"

T's Dad:"hahahhaa just joking, actually this could be actually a good thing, the sooner you find out what your feeling for this girl would tell you if she's the one and you know what I'm giving you exactly a year just in case you need more time"

Trent:"what If I can't in time?"

T's Dad:"let's hope it doesn't come to that"

Trent:"fine, see ya later I'm going to school"

Lucia:"whoa this is actually affecting him he never goes to school this early"

T's Dad & Mom:"this might be a good thing"


Elena:*wakes up five mins late*"love the smell of a new day, let hope it goes well...anyway SUSAN WAKE UP!!!!!!!!"

Susan:*screams*"AAAAHH!!! what was that for??"

Elena:"come on let's get dressed to go to school"

Susan:"awwwww I'm starting to not like going to school"

Elena:"come on one more year then this would all be over and we can start focusing on the Future"

Susan:"are you kidding? you have been focusing on that since you started high school"

Elena:"hehehe well unlike some people I like school so get up! plus I want a good education and all after that maybe I'll relax, find the one and be super happy"

Susan:"see?? see what I mean?? you have been thinking all that since the start of 9th grade. I actually feel bad for your brain it's like your brain is starting to get old super fast and your the one that grows slow"

Elena:"awww so mean *pouts* Now come on school is calling us"*gets dressed quickly and goes make breakfast*

Susan:*gets dressed later and finishes up when breakfast is done*"lovely smell"

Elena:"waffles,eggs,sauce and orange juice"

Susan:"oh my favorites"

Elena:"I know mine too"

*high five each other and start eating breakfast*

Susan:"bon appetite"

Elena:"Bon appetite too"

-finish eating breakfast, Elena does the dishes, then they grab their stuff and head to school-

-At School-

Brandon:"hey ladies good-morning"

Elena:"good morning"

Susan:*sighs*"I really don't wanna be here"

Brandon:"yes we can tell by your 'wake me when it's Friday' shirt"

Susan:"it's a classic and anyone would agree, except for maybe you two 'cause you love school like 1000000%"

Elena:"hey! *pouts* I happen to get bored a lot so I need school and my books"

Brandon:"same here"

Susan:"you Brandon need a girlfriend and you Elena need a car"


Susan:"yeah I know you love me anyway..bye I'll see you guys later"

Elena:"it's true we do love her even tho she shows it differently"


Elena:"let me just pass by my locker"


Elena:"why? I need to get my books for today.."*tries to go to her locker again*

Brandon:"you can use mine!"*blocks her locker*

Elena:"...hey look someone is mistreating a book!!"

Brandon:"what where??"*not blocking her Locker anymore*

Elena:"HA! I tricked you *opens her locker and a note falls*

Brandon:"awwwww not nice"

Elena:"huh? *picks up the poem* what's this?"

Brandon:"w-what? I don't know what your talking about!"*takes the poem*

Elena:"Brandon give it back or I'm never cooking for you or inviting you over again"


Elena:"the letter Brandon"

Brandon:*gives it to her though*"here"*blushes*

Elena:*grabs her books first and reads the note*

-note says-

"Since the moment you entered the school"

"I do nothing else but think of you"

"I care deeply for you I want us to more close"

"Than ever before"

"I can't hide my feelings for you"

"Any longer I wanna kiss you, hug you, be with you"

"ps. Listen to this song later : piu bella cosa - eros ramazzoti

I know this is one of your favorite boy bands a little bird told me"

*elena finishes reading the note*" awwww this is so cute, but who could have send it?"

Brandon:*blushing a lot but hides blushing face*"don't know"

Elena:"well whoever did it was sweet..*opens her secret book and puts it inside* I'm saving it because it's Romatic and I love romantic"

Brandon:*thinks: omg she saved it she actually saved it...but of course she would she likes romantic things...maybe I should do this more often for her*



Elena:"come on let's go to class, don't go spacing out on me like that I'll worry"

Brandon:"yes I know sorry promise won't do it again"*thinks:well maybe just 2 more times*

*they go to class together*


Trent:*thinks: Ugh!!! I bet that idiot of Brandon wrote it to her!*growls*

Erick:"Yo! My bro! What's up??"

Trent:*hits a locker that's not his and walks away*

Erick:*dodges it*"whoa! Good thing I dodge it or I would have been dead"*follows trent*"whoaaaaa you cannot go to class like that!!!"*stops him*

Trent:"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"*growls*

Erick:"oh oh *runs to Lucia to get help* LUCIA come quick it's Trent he's gonna do something crazy I feel it"

Lucia (cousin nurse):"WHAT?!?!"*runs after Trent sees him about to enter a class and stops him*"STOP!!! *wolf takes over* you cannot go inside when your like this!!!! GO HOME NOW!!!"

Trent:*wolfs takes over*"don't tell me what to do"*calms and leaves*

Lucia:"sorry mr., continue your class it's nothing serious"*closes the door of the class and follows trent*

Erick:"what happened?!?"

Lucia:"nothing just take him home and report this to his dad without Trent knowing"

Erick:"alright"*takes Trent home*

Trent:*escapes and runs off into the woods in his wolf form to calm down*

Erick:*sighs*"geez that girl most be driving him nuts"*grabs Trent is cloths and puts them in the car*

Trent's wolf (Damon):*inside his head*'I CANT STAND IT!!!! I'll kill Brandon if he does it again!!!'*runs deeper into the wood*

Erick:*sends Trent a message by mind link: Bro calm down you need to solve this out, take it easy if you freak out everytime something like this happens you won't be able to control yourself and if you hurt her..you won't forgive yourself either...she might actually be your mate so control yourself because your gonna be without a mate if you hurt her when she's tutoring you*

Damon:*sends back: geez man I know but I just can't stand it!!! That just makes me wanna rip his neck off*

Erick:*...try to relax*

Damon:*calms down a bit and goes into the lake to cool off a bit**thinks: don't you dare report this to my father*

Erick:*says to Trent: no way dude*

Damon:*ends mind link, gets out of the late transform back into Trent and gets dressed*

Trent:"better head back to school and tell the teacher I'll do the tutoring"


Elena:*thinks: there's nothing worse than history for God is sake I hate it and my head hurts..think I better go to the nurse**raises her hand*

Teacher:"yes Elena?"

Elena:"may I go to the nurse my head hurts"

Teacher:"sure be back soon"

Elena:"yes ma'am"*grabs her stuff when the teacher turns around though and heads to the nurse*

- on her way to the infirmary -

*elena bumps into trent*

Trent:"watch it!"

Elena:"so sorry"

Trent:*sees its her and its shock*"no I'm sorry"*whispers so she doesn't hear it and walks away*

Elena:*walks into the nurse office*"hello?"

Doctor:"hello Elena"

Elena:"hi sorry to bother you"

Doctor:"it's fine you have a headache again"


Doctor:*checks her head*"has it been happening a lot lately??"

Elena:"not much but when it does it hurts a lot stronger"

Doctor:"here drink this and lay down, maybe it's just your not resting too well"

Elena:"alright"*drinks the medicine and lays down to sleep a bit*


- Class's Over-

Brandon:"I better go check on Elena"

Susan:"I'll go too"

- Infirmary -

Brandon:*knocks on the door*"hey Elena"

Susan:"hey girl"

Elena:*gets up*"hello"

Susan:"you okay when you left you didn't came back"

Elena:"doctor ask me to lay down when I drank the medicine he gave me, guess I just needed some more rest"

Brandon:"awwwww see Susan it's your fault you made her stay up late"

Susan:"what?! She offer to help I ask her if we could rest when I realized it was midnight and she wanted to continue until we went to bed at 1 am"

Brandon:"you should have kept on bragging your good with that!"

Elena:"guys guys!!!! It's fine I'm okay it's not Susan is fault Brandon!"

Brandon:"well I'm sorry if I worry geez"*gets out of the infirmary angry*

Elena:"and just when I thought the day couldn't get any worse, this happens"

Susan:"did something happen before?"

Elena:"tease him he got angry and today I got a poem he got all weird"

Susan:"so he finally had the guts to tell you how he feel?"*whispers*

Elena:"what was that?"

Susan:"nothing so are we heading to class?"

Elena:"yeah..let's go"

- Art Class -

Susan:"I have the feeling that this is super horrible"*shows Elena her art work*

Elena:"wow that's actually good"

Susan:"you think??"

Elena:"yup here why don't we change art books so I can see yours and you can see mine"


*they exchange art books*

Elena:"wow I like this one"

Susan:"forget mine I love yours the are amazing, did this on looks super real, did a wolf come to you at night or something?"

Elena:"I actually had a dream about it, I don't know what it means though..I just wish that if I met this wolf it would be super amazing, but I don't wanna get eaten either"

*flashback to Elena's dream*

As she's walking in the woods at night, she hears foot steps near her, turns around to find herself in front a wolf on top of a rock, the wolf starts to howl and stares at her for a while longer and disappears after.

*end of flashback*

Susan:"hahahahah you got courage girl I tell you that much and those eyes..wait what color were they??"

Elena:"it was like a beautiful dark blue"

Susan:"nice I think I might be falling for it"

Elena:"hey mine! my wolf not yours"

Susan:"alright alright don't kill me"


Elena:*checks Susan's artwork*"you only have 3 drawings?"

Susan:"don't judge you have only 2"

Elena:"I wasn't really still I really like them"

Susan:"same to you and what is mr.brown drawing??"*takes Brandon's drawing*

Brandon:"hey I'm not done"

Susan:"neither are we so chill it bro...*looks at the drawing* awwwww it's so cute"

Elena:*sees it*"awwwww it's adorableeee"

Brandon:"don't tease"

Elena&Susan:"we weren't!"

teacher:"alright class for next assignment I'm assigning you partners...Elena, you and Trent, Susan with Erick, Brandon with Melissa...(etc.)"

Susan:*sighs*"I hate him and he's not even in this class he always skips"

Elena:"your telling me..I have to work with bully dude"

Susan:"oh yeah....tough luck"

Elena:"hmmm..wish I could change partners.."

Brandon:"I do too but you know how mr.Gabriel is.."

Elena:"don't remind me please"

-bell rings everyone leaves-


Trent:*walks out of classroom first*

Erick:"yo! buddy how's it going?"

Trent:"I got to work on a artwork assignment with Elena"


Trent:"the girl I bullied in 9th grade who not long along I made a connection with.."

Erick:"oh right..who am I working with??"

Trent:"your working with her best girl friend...I think name was Susan"

Erick:"aww man..alright sure. hey aren't you suppose to go to tutoring today? didn't you talk to the teacher so that he can talk to Elena later?"

Trent:"yeah..but I really don't want to go to tutoring"

Erick:"you have to, it's the only way to find out if she's your mate and all or not"

Trent:"yup and since we are also working on an art assignment I might as well check out her wolf art work"

Erick:"wait what??"

Trent:"yeah I got to know whose the lucky wolf, all I heard was 'I had a dream about it, it's eyes are like a beautiful dark blue' so I'm gonna ask her randomly when we are doing the assignment if i can see the drawing"

Erick:"and then what?"

Trent:"I don't know what could happen but maybe this can be a clue to see if she's my mate or not"

Erick:"too difficult man.."

Trent:"I know I know but I need to do it.."

Erick:"I know I know so....let's grab some lunch I'm starving.."


- at the lunch room -

*Trent and Erick grab their lunch and sit in their usual spot, but Trent starts to listen a little on Elena and her friends convo..*

Elena:"so how much would you bet that I'll be doing all the work and that the tutoring won't go well?"

Susan:"$100 each"

Brandon:"$200 each"

Elena:"wow that bad"

Brandon:"yeah well we made the price easy"

Susan:"how much would you bet?"

Elena:"hahahaha sorry no money I'm broke..remember I have to look for a job"

Susan:"seriously?? your cutting me out girl, that's not nice, feel like you don't wanna hang out with me *pretends to cry and a tear falls* so mean"

Elena:"awwwww I'm sorry"

Brandon:"wow you girls really need to sign up for acting next year..."

Susan:"really we that good??"

Brandon:"nope your horrible at it"



*they all laugh even made Trent giggle*

Erick:"let me guess..listening to their convo?"

Trent:"it's actually funny"


Trent:"yup *drinks his milk* alright I better get going and talk to the teacher about the tutoring"

Erick:"see ya man I got some flirting to do"

Trent:"if your gonna try to flirt with Elena's friend, trust me she is out of your world"

Erick:"rude man"

Trent:"you love me for it..see ya man"

Erick:"yeah sure, bye"


*chatting and giggling with Elena and Brandon until...*

Erick:"hey sweet cheeks, why don't we go and skip, if you know what I mean"*smirks*

Susan:"no thanks"

Elena:*giggles a bit but stops*

Brandon:*pretends he's not there and wonders into his mind*

Erick:"oh come on babe your smoking, and smoking + smoking = emergency"

Susan:"like I say no thanks and smoking + fire = water, meaning not even in the next life"

Erick:"awwww babe I'm hurt, come on just one date"

Susan:"hmmm let me think about it....*pretends to think*....ummmm...NO"*grabs her stuff and leaves*

*Elena and Brandon follow her laughing a bit*

Brandon:"hey sorry man but you know she's stubborn I tell you that much so..good luck"

Erick:*thinks: rude, for the first time someone has rejected me, no one ever does that!!!!😱😱😱😱*


Elena:"awwwwww poor Erick, Susan you should have said yes"

Susan:"and let him get me pregnant,cheat on me, move to the next girl?? huh no thank you"

Elena:"damn he really has a bad reputation"

Brandon:"him and that friend of his...but I'm not gonna judge"

Elena:"I can imagine that much"

All 3 of them:"YUP"

Susan:"come on let's go talk to that teacher and see the answer of Trent even tho I'm guessing it's a big NOuuuuuuuuuu"

Brandon:"nice way of saying it"


Susan:"thank you"

*On their way to science they see Trent enter the class and follow him silently*

Susan:*whispers*"I thought he most have left by now"

Elena:*whispers*"me too"

Brandon:*whispers*"this is shocking"


*they all listen...

teacher:"finally I'm glad you accept the proposal of having Elena and Brandon tutor you"

Trent:"actually just Elena but both of them would be fine too"

teacher:"alright I'll let them know as soon they stop by.."

Trent:"alright see ya"*

*they move quickly out of the way and pretend to bump into Trent*

Elena:"sorry again"

Trent:"it's cool seems like we keep bumping into each other"


Trent:"see ya later at the library"


*they enter the classroom*

Teacher:"hey just the people I wanted to see..Trent accepted the request so you guys better get going to do the tutoring and I expect a B at least in the last 3 semesters"

Susan:"whoa whoa whoa!!! a B!?!?!?!wait I thought It was only this one and the last 2 not the last 3 that means a whole year!?!?!"


Elena:"it's fine I can do it no problem"

Susan:"what about your job as in real job!!!!?!?!"

Elena:"guess it's gonna have to hold on until it gets easier or I can talk it over with Trent"

Brandon:"that's gonna be difficult"

Teacher:"I'm sorry to interfere but this is important"

Elena:"we get it we'd do it, the job can wait"

Teacher:"thank you"

Elena:"no problem, do you have his number by chance?"

Teacher:"yeah he's one of the kids that gets into super trouble here"*gives her the number by writing it in a small paper*

Elena:*takes it*"thank you, have a good day sir, come on guys"

- Out of the class -

Susan:"girl are you crazy!!!!!"

Elena:"the job can wait I'll just ask my parents if they can pay the next 2 month rent for me and I'll pay them back, and I'll talk to Trent and tell him I'll tutor him but that I also need the job"

Susan:"your complicating your life, why not let Brandon tutor him and you can work"

Brandon:"nope I'll pass, I'm only helping Elena to tutor him so she doesn't get bully by him and that means him,her and me in the same room"

Susan:"ugh your so stubborn help her out more"

Elena:"guys STOP!!, Susan he's helping me just like he said but I can handle, school, working and tutoring"

Susan:"fine lets bet on it if you can't do it Brandon is taking over your tutoring job, and you can take a break from tutoring so much so you can focus on what's really important just like you keep lecturing me that some things are more important than others"

Elena:"alright deal"


Susan:"good lets each go home"

Elena:"I'm walking there actually need time to think"

B&S:"no way"

Elena:*sighs*"fine I'll call my mom to come pick me up *dials Lilly and Lilly comes in 5* she's coming in five so I can at least wait five mins right?"

Susan:"oki oki lets chat later"


Elena:"yup totally"

Brandon:"need some company?"

Elena:"no thank you you have been a jerk a lot recently"

Brandon:"I'm sorry"


Lilly:"hey sweetie come on"

Elena:"yeah bye Brandon"*gets in her mom is car and leaves with her*

Lilly:"honey did something happen? like did you had an argument with him or..."

Elena:"it's nothing mom it's okay I can handle it"

Lilly:"alright honey"*driving*

Elena:"actually mom I was wondering how did you got me? like I mean when and what age was I adopted what's my story?"

Lilly:"well we adopted you when you were like 9 months old by that time you were super small you still drank milk from the boob and you were so cute so adorable I don't think you walked yet but when I saw you I was like..she's just the baby I was waiting for..so I fill in the papers, I took you home with me without your dad knowing it was like a surprise to him but he was super happy, the lady didn't told me much of how she got you she didn't know your mom she found you at the door because the bell rang...still from that moment we took you in it was like the best day of our life's so we decided that that's when your birthday was gonna be because it was such a happy moment we didn't want to forget"

Elena:*smiles*"I like the story"

Lilly:"me too, from then on you had your first steps, then we did many other things and when you were 5 we went camping and we always used to go camping once each month and you enjoyed it a lot that was like your most favorite activity"

Elena:"hehe aww"

Lilly:"yup, oh we are here"

Elena:"thanks actually mom do you think you could pay the next 2 months of rent is just I have to tutor someone and it's gonna be a little hard at first working and tutoring and school"

Lilly:"yeah sure honey no problem I'm glad you talk to me about it and I'm glad we got to share a few moments of when you were little"

Elena:*smiles*"yeah me too and thanks mom"

Lilly:"anything for my baby girl"

Elena:"hehe bye goodnight"*kisses her cheek*

Lilly:"sweet dreams"*smiles*

*elena took a shower, did homework and then went to bed*


Trent:"well I finally talked with my teacher about the tutoring I'm guessing I'll start tomorrow with it all"

T's mom:"that's great sweetie and remember I wanna meet her if she's your mate"

Trent:"yes mom"

T's Dad:"good job son"

Trent:"yeah anyway *finishes eating and puts the dishes in the sink and washes them* there and I'm going to bed goodnight"*kisses his mom is forehead*

T's mom:"oh goodnight sweetie sweet dreams"

T's dad:"goodnight son"

*trent goes to bed*

T's mom:"wow our boy is changing so much"

T's dad:"that's good lets hope this girl is the one"

T's mom:"yeah"

T's Dad:*finishes eating*"thanks for the food it was delicious as always my love"*kisses her*

T's Mom:"hehehe go to bed goodnight honey"*kisses him*

*Trent's dad goes to bed and Trent's mom finishes cleaning up, goes to bed later on with her husband*

Next chapter