


"what is jwek daddy?"

As soon as those sweet innocent words hit my ears, I froze. I looked at the devil, but he was still the same, cold-hearted bastard. I glanced at Nora from the corner of my eyes to see her eyes widening, but a wide smile stretched on her face when she turned to look at my back. After two deep breaths, I found the anger fading off from my body, just a little bit. I turned to look at very uncomfortable looking Gabriel holding hands with ......

I swear my heart melted at sight in front of me. There was this beautiful tiny creature staring at me with confusion in bright small brown eyes. One of his little hand placed in Gabriel's large masculine one while the other was by his side. His blonde hairs adorned with natural light brown highlights which cutely fell on his forehead. I restrained myself from lounging to gather him in my arms and squeal about how cute he was, barely.

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