
Surface World

Through unending strive for one's life, one would reach the light at the end of the dark path.

One could not tell the fate of oneself but neither the others, in such strange phenomenon luck will help you or curse you but in the end, you can't blame something that you can't expect to come.

Searching for light from the darkness is simple to say but hard to be done if one said that they experience that, they either thought their life is a miserable point to be called like that or telling a smooth lie from their tongue like a snake.

However, no one actually writes about how to find the light from the darkness so there's no point to ask for others' perspective of life to force it to others' perspective.

In Mike's situation, his perspective towards struggle in finding light from darkness is completely different from others. By experiencing the unfair odds of luck he changes his view completely but not abandoning his reason to not make himself and in an edgy state. No matter how fuck the odds are one must not abandon oneself.

Acknowledge the change from within oneself but abandoning and forgetting your old self is will not make you stronger than one's old self.

Mike facing the odds, accepting the change, not losing himself, not holding back, and laughing his way out of it.

This way he was able to survive but there are things that help on the way through his journey.

Imuthis and speed-up evolution without those two even if he resolved to strive to live will not save him from most of the situations he faced.

And so... with this, his journey will finally come to an end.



Four days had passed.

The speed of their ascend still hasn't dropped.

They encounter multiple types of ocean creatures including those he hasn't encounter on the way down but because of the metal barrier, he managed to outrun them.

The creature knew its strange liquid will not protect him in anything other than pressure.

This is how intelligent the creature with tentacles is... to be able to predict such encounters and managing to build such a formidable barrier to protect him. This creature must be taken seriously, not that Mike is planning to kill him.

Days go on in his high-speed travel. Not minding about everything Mike lives comfortable for the first time, through this his body goes back in perfect state as his hunger and thirst are being sated by the creature's liquid which is convenient.

The liquid started to change color and texture into something soft and fragile as Mike didn't notice for a while.

For the first time in years, Mike saw the sun's light. Noticing the sudden change of the creature's liquid it changes into something more transparent and less thick.

For another day it totally changes into the thing Mike familiars with. The liquid started to enlarge than ever as it gathers more air from the water and for its final change it turned into a bubble of air.

The metal sphere around the bubble was been removed by the tentacles around it as Mike saw clearly what's below him, a couple of giant tentacles pushing the bubble upwards to the surface.

As the intense pressure is finally gone the tentacle's speed goes up even further.

The water around them are been pushing away through sheer force and speed that even the sea creatures in the Vincity have been blown away.

Not even a day had passed since he reached the sun's light and he already see the reflection of the sun on the surface water.

Feeling nostalgic Mike smile with hopes and happiness but because the speed is still going up Mike can't handle the sudden change of place and situation.

Bracing himself, the bubble hits the surface water making a large splash as Mike has been flown upwards almost reaching the sky. The tentacle quickly retracted after throwing him upwards like not giving a care.

Falling down Mike feels sick because of the ride.


With the help of the gigantic bubble as a cushion, Mike has been landed in the water safely as the bubble pops out.

Dipping his body underwater for a moment, Mike pops his head out of the water to breathe.

For the first time, Mike finally tastes the fresh air of the surface that came out from nature.

(Ahh this taste... No one can beat this taste!)

[How can you taste the air anyway? *sigh* Maybe because years of not having to breathe on a normal air you gain an ability to actually taste the air.]

Celebrating his adventure Mike grins wildly.

Ah, living on the surface is much better than that place.

Grinning, grinning, and grinning...

Laughing all of it out as he enjoys the unlimited taste of air that goes in and out of his lungs.

However, before Mike could enjoy this moment he falls into unconsciousness without any warning.

No, he already feels the warning from his body but he and Imuthis didn't manage to notice it because of the excitement towards going up to the surface.

Pain and intense numbness surge through his body all at once leaving him in a paralyzed state.

One could tell the details of what happened but because he's alone on the ocean no could tell nor know that he was there.

With all due to the sudden change of pressure and temperature, he's body goes into a total breakdown.

We can celebrate that he finally finishes his journey towards the bottom of the ocean but his next journey has just started.


Author's note:

Hey, thank you for reading this far in my novel! With this, we finally reach the end of the First Volume!

More Volumes will come but as you might expect from a human, I need a break.

I feel happy reading your comments and opinions towards my novel, it makes me more motivated in writing.

Next Volume!: Adventure to the Unknown Deformed Land!


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