
Hot Spot

Many years had passed since Mike first encounter with a strange creature.

At the deep part of the ocean where the sun's light could not reach...

A single human is descending deeper and deeper.

His long black hair that floats in any direction... at this point where his tied hair always getting loose every time he goes outside the bubble, he didn't bother tying his hair anymore.

Mike is still in butt naked but because its been years maybe he already has gotten used to being naked. I mean... Even if he didn't it doesn't like that he could make clothes underwater.

As he descends hell welcomes him one after another.

He's pretty much in another rough situation if one could explain...

(Hey... Imuthis.)


(Remember I said that I'll survive no matter what?)

[You didn't but I felt you're resolved back then. Why?]

(Well, you see... I take it back! It's fucking hot I can't take it!)

As he said it, the situation he was in is literal hell.

Because of years of surviving here underwater, he takes time to gather all information as he could even now.

Dark green lights he could see from the dazzling stars are underwater volcanoes.

He pretty much got used to this view that he could use it even when his one eye open.

If he stays focus he could pull the light near him the reason behind that logic is kinda simple that Mike figures it out.

It's an aura or more like the presence of oneself gives.

If he stretches his arms and releases an aura of something like a small juicy fish the predators(Red light) will surely come and if he releases an aura something like a large predator surely the other creatures will leave away from his vincity.

He can do it even with nonliving creatures like his trusty safe zone bubble but the reason how he could do it to something like that is still a mystery.

Well even if he knew he can pull something towards him there is still a limit...

Like this Dark green light Volcano, he can see it in dazzling stars but it's impossible to pull.

Speaking of Volcanoes Mike did say its hot even tho he's underwater.

It's understandable because there is a volcano near him.

If Mike could see at the dark he would be amazed at the structure of the volcano, because even tho it's small it packs a lot of heat.

And the heat is literally boiling Mike from below.

For these years he pretty much gotten used to the cold that he doesn't need to bother to countermeasure to heat like hell he thought he could experience heat in this place.

But what he didn't know that there are many, MANY small and big volcanoes underwater than the surface. So much for school that he doesn't know even that, huh...

His body and mind aren't ready for this as his body is melting and the weird substance fading away from his body. More like all of it is melting.

Mike tried to get away from the heat but because of the tentacle pulling him in the direction where the volcano is located.

In the past, the tentacle only pulling him but not limiting his movement from left and right.

However, as they go deeper the place they go is getting narrower and narrower that Mike encounters a natural wall made out of rock from time to time.

In this time, the only place where he could descend is the hole beside the volcano so Mike had no choice but to experience the heat like hell from the volcano.

[What are you chickening out? Compare this to the others this is actually a piece of cake for you.]

(Easy for you to say that! But it's heat you y' know! It's been a while I experience it and that heat is literally boiling the water to it's surrounding!)

[Well... Just think of it as your country, right?]

(That might be a good idea but still a bad one...)

[Like you had a choice.)

(Just shut up.)

[Geez... Your personality is getting more and more shit. Where is the Mike that actually can make a plan even in this situation?]


[Well, I don't care what will you do but just don't die on me, kid. This might be because of the pent up stress that accumulated from these past years.]

(*Sigh* I get it, I get it. All I need to endure, right? Then I'll do it.)

Nodding in satisfaction Imuthis went silent and let Mike do his work.

(Alright... Letting my body loose a little and making my blood circulate all over my body fast base on my experience this should be enough...)

Just as he adjusts his body the sound of his bone, muscle, and nerves make a sound of moving in sync.

The sound of bones crumbling as they forcefully move in different angles and locations.

The sound of muscles tightening and loosing to vibrate the whole body to warm up.

The sound of his nerves traveling at a fast pace to deliver any kind of intel to the brain. Like hell, there's a sound to it.

As his body is adjusting at a fast pace. The evolution starts to get in at high speed.

Because of the experience of being drunk by the evolution underwater and experience of his body quickly changing Mike has gotten an idea of how to efficiently receives the so-called speed-up evolution to his body.

Because of that method, he can manually change his body through his mind. Most of the reason he can do this to his body is because of the weird substance around his body... Without letting it go outside his skin he can make it store inside and make it move inside via nerves that signaling from his brain like blood circulating inside his body. However, he can't control it outside... yet.

(Grghh... HA!)

He can indeed make his evolution speed up but it has a catch. A catch that it's not worth unless it's a just in case situation.

Because of forceful change in his body... his body and mind cannot handle it and will collapse from exhaustion.


[Yeah... Yeah...]

However, he can delay the collapse of his body in limited time by Imuthis.

In these past years, Imuthis is actually playing a big role at Mike's back.

Pain nullifies and clearing jumble thoughts.

Even tho it's only that he still save Mike's butt a couple of times.

But the rest is Mike's doing.

Actually, these two cannot even survive without the speed-up evolution.

Mike slowly passing the volcano but even tho he is still not near he already feels the heat from this distance.

BUT! Mike is prepared.

In a fetus form while he descends Mike wish this will end quickly.

However, as they descend.

Predators from afar smell the hot human food and quickly respond to their hunger.

Mike notices them and there are many of them to count.

(Shit. Last year I also experience this shit!)

[Mike! Don't lose focus!]

(I know!)

As they descend a red light leap towards them and thrust it's arm to the prey.



The sound of a skull can be heard but only in a short moment.

It was more like a blop through the water but the creature pulls it's arm and put the prey it caught to its mouth.

It fought with the other predators but it ended quickly as they saw it already at the hands-on someone.

Slowly putting it in its mouth the creature munch it thoroughly enjoying it.

As it enjoyed its feast it swam away with satisfaction to its stomach.

And that was the last time Mike was ever seen.

Or so they thought...

Mike is still descending and he is pretty much safe from the predators as he deceived them.

(*pew* That was close.)

[Close my ass! If I didn't remind you to keep your guard up you will be a rare dish to that red creature!] They called it red creature because of the color but the creature itself is still unknown to them.

(Well At least I managed to escape... hehehe.)

At the end of the day, they managed to escape and went passed the volcano as they descend deeper.

He got escape because he deceived the red creature's senses. As soon the creature got near him he quickly changes his aura to something like red creature kin. He can't deceive them fully but he can make by leaving a large part of weird liquid substance as a bait. Because the weird substance is hard the creature thought of it as crunchy food.

Mike pretty much got used to surviving here that he jokingly thought that he might build a home here if he changes his mind about going to the surface.

But even with that, his adventure to the deep isn't showing an end or a bottom.

He wishes for at least an ocean floor to appear but still hasn't encountered one.

He doesn't know when this journey will stop or his life will end but if one could say what he feels right now...

(I'm not planning to die here until I shout to the world that I beat his game!)

Until then it goes without saying...

He is a pretty shit character that goes without reason but pretty much survives with his own dumb luck and will.


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