
The Feeling of Death

Opening his eyes the cavern is in his view.

Strangely even tho he wasn't supposed to feel any exhaustion in this place he's flat out tired.

"You're back."

Imuthis greeted him as he pops out from his chest but he is somewhat sluggish and more disgusting than usual as he can't even float out from the chest.

"Ah don't mind me, I'm also tired from that situation I just need some rest, a long rest."

Mike without any energy in his body nod him with his mind and proceed to lay down taking a rest.

He doesn't even care what will happen to him now as he is worn out to think anything.

He is already inside a dream-like state land so he can't sleep in this place to let his brain restfully.

Not noticing his surrounding the cavern is cleaner and wider than the last time. Mike thought it was Imuthis but he's only a 'head', it's impossible for him to clean this place up or even make this place wider.

Maybe because of the evolution? Mike is too tired to think.

Letting his mind take a good long break with no noise coming from his surrounding he unexpectedly sleeps in this void place.

And another question added from his thoughts on why he can able to sleep in this void.


Year 2: In the surface world.

If one could describe what happens in the world it's technically simple.

Basically, everything changed.

Fish monsters attack again at South Korea of course the soldiers already anticipated their invasion so they easily fend off the creatures.

However, animals from the lands have gone wild and attack the soldiers on the coast.

Dogs, cats, birds, tigers from the zoo, monkeys, black bears, and even deers attack the soldiers.

Animals already have a sign of their evolution in their bodies since a week ago;

Body forming into a weird shape, their immunity increase while some decrease, their regeneration gives signs of abnormality, they have increase strength and intelligence, and so on...

They should know what will happen to them by now but no one could predict that they would immediately attack the humans.

What's weird is that all of them target humans like they have a grudge on them or something while ignoring other creatures. They even help the fish monsters like they are communicating with one another.

Soldiers didn't know what will come to them as they got attacked from both sides.

Hesitating to shoot the animals that got in their lines because they might hit their own people they were eaten or clawed to death.

After two hours of fighting as the soldiers resolve their hearts to kill the creatures that they love the battle finally comes down to an end.

From thousands of soldiers that deployed to a small area, only 436 were alive.

Casualties mostly come from fish monsters not from the land animals.

In the end even tho they feel bad that their comrades died the media talks bad about them.

="If the 'Abyssal Fish' is more threatening than those animals that we knew then why y'all focus on killing them!? This is something that we need to know why your fellow soldiers kill the innocent harmless creatures with your very dangerous weapons that can easily kill living creatures."

Humans are weird, they always focus on something that's negative and ignore what's something worth mentioning.

Fish monsters were named Abyssal Fish because of their character that they originally live in the deep dark ocean. Scientists describe them as living fossils even tho they have the characteristics of a sudden change in the body.

Not only they receive many casualties but they also receive a bad title. The media even blame the government thinking that they actually made the monsters up to corrupt and control the people.

Of course, after hearing that from someone famous journalist, everyone also believes that the government is the ones at fault.

After that, all of the east countries also experience the same fate from South Korea.

And so another problem has occurred not only from the Abyssal Fish but even to their own people.

While the fire of problem is still there the western countries especially the US are just chilling and partying like it's not their problem.

Thus another year had passed.


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