
151. Journey

Vegeta and Kratos travelled the arduous and treacherous lands of Tartarus looking for traces of Atlas and get to the Temple of Fate again so that they can gain the power of Fate. Power of Fate was highly important to both Kratos and Vegeta as it could help them with the manip[ulation of the Gods on themselves and their loved ones.

Fate is a very mysterious thing. If you say it doesn't exist then every living being is connected to it. Fate of every person is predetermined and you can only bring subtle changes to your fate but too much. But there are people who can fight against their fate and bring great changes to themselves and the world.

Vegeta was thinking of his Fate. Getting to meet the ROB and getting reborn in this world. Meeting his wonderful family and the girls that loved him dearly. He was reflecting on this as he walked with Kratos towards the Depths of Tartarus. His power was growing steadily and from his previous fight with Zeus, he had stabilised his Domain.

His body strength had grown further and the his Divine Ki transformation time had grown shorter. Before it was 15 seconds but now he could do the same in 13 seconds. Don't look down on these 2 seconds shortage. He had to practically break and exhaust himself for these short 2 seconds.

When Gods fight at their full power, time becomes irrelevant as they move out of its spectrum and because of their speed and domain. The time stagnates to a standstill until they power down to a normal standard and stop moving at speeds surpassing the spectrum of Time itself.

"Wait" Kratos warned and stopped as he looked a the surroundings with a frown and a vigilant posture. Vegeta also got ready in a stance, ready for any attacks in the surroundings. He summoned 3 more clones to cover surroundings. He expanded his spiritual perception to perceive the surroundings.

Suddenly, a Grey coloured, humanoid creature came out of a crevice. He looked lifeless with elongated nails and a face with no lips and sharp teeth. It had no hair and his nose was sharp with red eyes and no pupils. It was quite tall and was about Kratos' height with a skinny body.

Vegeta felt a faint amount of threat from this creature as he looked at it. "This is a Nether Ghoul. It has a poor eyesight but it can perceive things very clearly. It has the strength of a being who is about to break into the God realm. You better be careful". Kratos warned and got his blades ready for action.

Followed by the first ghoul, another one pooped out. Slowly, there were already 10 Ghouls in front of Vegeta and Kratos. Kratos stomped on the ground and shot out like a sharp arrow. Vegeta released his clones to assist Kratos as he started his own transformation. The Ghouls perceived the both of them and started to pounce on them with ridiculous speed.

THe clones surrounded the ghouls with 2 to 1 and Kratos handled four ghouls by himself. The clones teamed up and one used just defence to keep the ghoul at bay while the other one kept it distracted and busy with its attacks.

Kratos on the side was more brutal and carefree, he grabbed a Ghoul and tossed him on the other like a rug. The 2 ghouls collided and went sliding back. Kratos used that time and slashed the head of a Ghoul while kicking the other one miles away. Vegeta at the back also charged up to his Super Saiyan 4 and mixed into the fray.

He got 2 ghouls and started to fight them just in Super Saiyan 4 form. He wanted to challenge himself and grow. He was constantly running Divine Energy and trying to mix it with Ki while fighting the 2 ghouls head on. His Super Saiyan 4 was enough to handle the 2 with difficulty, so it was good training.

Vegeta grabbed a Ghoul by the head and rammed him on the ground, causing the ground to quake and the other ghoul's footing got unstable. He used that chance and grabbed the Ghoul by the leg and smashed it onto the ground.

The first ghoul got up and shot at Vegeta like a cannonball. Vegeta tilted sideways and dodged by an edge and immediately shot up to it and punched it in the face. Making it plunge into the ground and cause a massive crater. The poisonous Acid spewed out of the crack like a geyser and literally caused the ghoul to yell in pain.

Kratos finished his own 4 ghouls and started to work on the other 4 that were being handled by the clones. They could block them for a while but weren't strong enough to confront the Ghouls as is.

Vegeta used the distraction of the Ghoul and fired a Ki blast at a point blank range. The power of the Ki blast literally vaporised the upper body of the Ghoul and it fell lifelessly on the floor. The other ghoul pounced up on Vegeta and punched him in the back while he was fighting the first one.

Vegeta was sent into the ground and was disoriented. The ghoul plunged into the ground and opened it's mouth to Bite off Vegeta's flesh. Vegeta opened his hand and fired a Ki Blast into the Ghoul's open mouth. The ghoul's head disappeared from his neck and he fell lifelessly on the floor.

Vegeta got up and looked at the brutally killed ghoul bodies in the surroundings. Some were ripped in half and some had their heads ripped off. While others had clean cuts on them. Showing that their Killer was none other than Kratos himself.

"That was a good exercise". Vegeta said and smiled a bit. He felt good to move his muscles.

"You will get plenty of them along the way". Kratos replied and started walking forward. Vegeta nodded slightly and followed along.

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