
Truth: Anderson

"It's ok, Signora. Take my life when it had to. Once you had taken my life. Took my curse power and took down Mercais in the same time when you managed to find his weakness."

"That was too risky, Senior. What if Yao Xuan hated me?"

"Yao Xuan will hate you for sure. But when you met her. Don't forget to show this recording just in case the hate goes worse. And give her this hairpin as a memorial from me. Which I was supposed to give to her when she married. But, I don't think I can give it to her as my time is *cough* close to the end."

Then, the voice was dimmed off with Signora exclaimed to Yao Xuan,

"I hope you are understand. As his junior. It was a big no for me to kill him off. Not even if he was being evil or what. If he had gone evil, then I will be with him. So do with when he decided to protect you. I will be the first one who will stood on your back and protect you until the time..."

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