
Defense of the bridge (1)

"Anyways, are you okay?"

"I'm Fine. Definitely Fine!!" 

Yao Xuan was worried about him after both of them had returned to their old state. And it was being seen clearly that Hu Jia Hao had his blood spewing everywhere and he stated so with the pose as if that he had just won something. Then, he had fallen down in a weak condition as he said,

"Definitely fineeee..." With his eyes had changed into heart-shaped.

Seems like that someone had found his life purpose back... Apparently.

Then, Yao Xuan walked towards the guard who had been investigated the place as she said,

"Number two cultivator, Yao Xuan." 

The guard nodded and then, he allowed her to enter the crime scene as she observed at the location where she had started to found something amiss.

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