
Chapter 54

Izumi takes a sip of his tea smiling at Yuno giving him a weird look for drinking his forth cup in a row. He's getting such special treatment you'd think he owns the place.

"You're not really crazy are you?" Yuno asks convinced from the conversation they just had, sure she thinks the believing he is immortal part and him knowing so much history about her Lin family from before she was born is made up, but either than that he's sane.

"Maybe you over used your mind control ability so much that it turned against you, don't you think?" Yuno asks very concerned about his mental health, if he keeps up the act he may start to believe it, or maybe, that's how he landed himself in here in the first place.

Izumi nods along not sure what to say, "I do not know my own name yet I seem to know all about you, maybe it will make sense with time." He takes a seat after pacing up and down.

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