
Bernard Meets Auntie

Let’s switch to Bernard who wanted to meet Luna’s aunt. He’s obviously in for a surprise.

Bernard Thesax is a boy of many secrets. The moment he was born, he knew he was different than the people around him or even among his peers. Of course, he did not think he was special, he knew he had to work on that.

One of his secrets was that he was born with the memories of his previous life. And the most unusual thing about it was that his previous life was not in Afasia. At first, he thought he was a lucky person, after all, he was born in a fantasy-like world, but one question did linger on his mind;

‘How did I get reincarnated in Afasia?’

He grew up wondering about that question. He often heard of legends, told in the village he was born to, about heroes summoned from another world to fight the evil in Afasia or those reborn with the memories of their previous life intact. He wanted to tell them he was the latter, but he knew they would only think he was crazy.

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