
The Plan

Vihaan looked at his watch.

It was half past six and yet Shana was not in the office.

She had stopped sharing little things she would after the incident with Vansh.

And Vihaan was in dismay.

He did not know where he was wrong. How could he share about his brother with his wife without his consent?

But no one was there to defend him, for no one knew about it except those three.

Ignoring all of it, he picked up his phone to dial Shana's number but stopped.

Standing up from the chair, he once again looked at her office and opened the door.

Walking toward Erina's desk, he saw her sitting and pounded slowly on the wall of the reception desk.

"Sir" Erina immediately responded.

Looking at Shana's office, he asked " Do you know where Shana is?"

Erina too glanced at her office.

"No, sir, mam has not said anything."

She continued " Should I ask Ms Kriti?"

Vihaan simply nodded.

Picking up the office landline, Erina dialled and spoke a minute later" Ms kriti?"

Next chapter