
The Priest and the Auspicious Date

As if he was ready for these reactions, Vansh nodded his head in agreement.

"He seems close to fifty, damn it" cursing, Shana looks so shocked to digest the information.

"Yes, because he maintains himself very well. He wakes up exactly at four in the morning, does yoga for two hours and eats only fruits. He drinks scared water of Holy Ganga, which surrounds his isolated cottage" informing them the secret of the priest's fitness, Vansh directs his attention toward the priest who was handed the horoscope of Anubhav and Avni.

For the next five minutes, the hall seemed empty of any living being, not even the intake and outtake of breaths could be heard. The only sound was of the curtains swaying in the wind, the whistle of the wind, chirping of the birds and the soft rustling of the leaves in the lawn.

Shana and Saaransh exchange the glances, not knowing what to do. They were the only one who had not met the priest, had no knowledge about his temper or discipline and thus had no idea what to do?.

The ending of those torturous five minutes was the biggest boon to Shana and Saaransh and they sigh when the priest spoke, breaking the punishing peace" The auspicious date is fifteen days later this year or after two years. There is nothing disturbing in their horoscope and their wedding will be full of love, care and harmony."

Fifteen minutes later, when the priest went back, they were engaged in a heavy discussion.

Shiv: Mr Oberoi, I was wondering if the date is okay with you.

Mr Oberoi: Definitely Mr Rathore, we have no problem, but the final decision lies with Avni and Anubhav.

Everyone turned their attention to Avni and Anubhav, and Avni looked at Anubhav and their eyes spoke in silence. Turning her eyes away, she spoke:" We do not have any problem if you all are okay with it".

Mrs Oberoi was the first one to respond"Fifteen days is more than enough for us to arrange all the things for the wedding. Isn't it Chaya and Shakti?"

Chaya and Shakti spoke in union" ofcourse!"

Before they could final anything else, they were informed of the dinner.

As soon as Shiv told everyone to have dinner first and to continue the discussion at the night, everyone stood to head toward the dining table when Shana's phone beeped, informing her of the message.

Taking out her phone from the back pocket, She opened it to receive the message from Riya.

Riya: "At what time should I pick you up at the airport?"

Guessing from the earlier discussion, Shana was sure she would not be able to meet her. There were only fifteen days left and there was a lot to do.

Without looking ahead of her, she kept on moving while typing" Bae I do not think I would be meeting you tomorrow. Avni dee's wedding is decided to be fifteen days later. WIll meet you once I will be done here. Please do not be angry, I was as much as eager to meet you as you were <3 <3.

She had just hit the send button when her left foot got stuck under the sofa, and she screamed"Ouch" and closed her eyes for she was sure she would be kissing the floor soon.

Within the seconds, before she could fall, her arms reached to something hard and masculine and she grabbed it hard. Before she could process her situation, her nose smelled something familiar, the same masculine fragrance she had come to know and her heart instantly knew what, to be precise, who she was holding.

With her eyes closed, she could feel Vihaan's right hand on her upper waist, supporting her body, and his left hand supporting her from the back.

Shana opened her eyes to saw the actual scenario they were in. She would not be wrong if she could guess they were almost hugging each other. Standing so close to her, with his breathing fanning on her neck, Vihaan had roped her upper waist with his right arm and she almost gasped when she saw her right-hand fingers grabbing his right shoulder hard.

Ascending her eyes, she saw him looking at her with concern, but, she could also feel the intense looks he was giving and not able to keep up with it, she looked down.

Before she could do anything, she was brought back to reality when she heard someone asking "Are you okay?" when she realized all the members of the house were present there. Not daring to look at anyone, she tried to stand straight while loosening her grip on his shoulder.

Throughout the time she stands back, Vihaan right hand remain on her upper waist, fearing she might slip again. It was when Chaya spoke " She is okay now, beta" when he notices his hand and withdrew it immediately. Standing beside her, his eyes interact with chaya and he cursed himself for acting like that in front of her mother, whom he was sure was enjoying certainly.

Murmuring a soft "Thank you" without looking at Vihaan, Shana looked shyly and embarrassed at all the members and rubbing her hands on her back pocket in nervousness, excused herself, not before looking at the mischief glances Vansh was giving to her.



Holy Ganga: The Ganga is the holy river of India and it is worshipped in Hinduism(a religion)and personified as Goddess Ganga. It is believed that the water of Ganga is sacred and it keeps a person healthy and it does not get ruined even if it is kept for years.

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