
Chapter 241: Smoked Out

Murky river water lapped the pilings under the dock as the distant humming-crackle of fires burning in the distance were the only sound to be heard as everyone braced themselves. A shapeless dark form moved closer from within the blackness of the doorway, but it was unclear as to what it was and even more so as another column of smoke drifted in the way. Lisa held out her hand to signaling for everyone to wait.

“Don’t shoot!” An old voice called out. Then from the dark entrance an old man leaning heavily on a cane came into doorway.

Lisa let out a sigh of relief. “Mr. Ulster?”

Seeing that the cause for alarm was just another human made everyone more relaxed. One of the men from the Skull even snickered seeing everyone else’s reaction to the false alarm. Yet no one bothered to indulge his action and instead focused back to the smoke-filled town.

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