
Chapter 229: Gone from Town

Water rained down on the two soaked women as the baby Hoard Mothers head wavered above them. There was nowhere for them to go. The dam was towering behind them, the collapsed cliff was to their left, and the fuming Hoard Mother blocked any route they might take to reach either of the river’s shores. It wouldn’t be long before the baby Hoard Mother would spot them floundering in the water and gulp them up like soup.

“Hanna?” Lisa whispered. “You can swim right?”

Hanna could feel the current tugging at her legs as she was still holding onto Lisa. She then nodded. “Yes. I can swim a little bit.”

Lisa let go of Hanna and swam around her to get in between her and the Twisted. “Stay behind me and swim as quiet as you can for the dam. It hasn’t seen us yet and looks confused.”

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