
Chapter 227: Three is a Crowd

Lisa steadied herself on top of the Hunter Mech’s back as the Party Badger jostled to maintain her grip on the baby Hoard Mother’s torso. Partially blinded and enraged the leader of the Twisted hoard was not going to just let itself be beaten and pushed around. The baby Hoard Mother kicked furiously into the air with its cat paws while its long brontosaurus like neck was strung out trying to reach under itself and bite at the Hunter Mech.

Lisa stabbed and swiped vigorously with her katana at the baby Hoard Mother’s head each time it came in too attack. The baby Hoard Mothers neck was now stretched out to three times its original length. The head was snaking all around like an unmanned firehose trying to find an opening to strike from. The double alligator shaped mouths were more than enough to gobble her up whole in one gulp, but Lisa fended the Twisted off knowing that both Party Badger and the townspeople were counting on her. All she needed was some miracle to happen.

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