
Chapter 135: Sober Up

Rodney absolutely hated coming to the Mad Dogs secret factory. Not because of the triplets or anyone else that worked there, per-say, but because that he was always coming here to do work. Whether it be to hunt down escaping 'employees' or to do transportation guard duties, he was never here to have fun. Besides with there being so many drugs around, Zeus and Cooper were unable to go inside the building or factory without a mask on their muzzles. The drugs and serums would ruin the dogs far faster than it would a human.

"Alright boys, you know the drill. Stay out here until I get back. Hopefully, I won't be long." Rodney said to the two big dogs.

The three of them were outside of the main gate to the golf course mansion and the guards had already recognized Rodney by sight and they were already quickly opening the gate for him. The two dogs obediently sat down on the dusty road to wait and eyed Rodney carefully as he left them.

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