
Chapter 122: Sightings

When Jackson and Rodney left from meeting with Martinez, they immediately parted ways. Neither of the two had much in common and nor did they want to. Waiting outside for the two men were Rodney's two dogs, Cooper and Zeus, and Jerry. Unlike the two lieutenants, Jerry and the two big dogs got along famously. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that they were always being left alone outside together. Which was normal for the dogs, but a sad reality for Jerry.

"Come on boys!" Rodney called to the two dogs. "We got to hunt down another one."

Zeus let out a heavy snort from his muzzle and got up from his spot, curled up at Jerry's side. Cooper was sitting upright on the other side of Jerry, being petted. Then hearing his masters call, Cooper licked Jerry's hand as if to say goodbye.

Jackson watched the two dogs leave his subordinate and shook his head. "You know those dogs eat people, right? How can you, one of the wimpiest guys I know, handle being friendly with them?"

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