
Chapter 92: A Second Fighter

"So that brings our total winnings to a thousand eight hundred dollars." Lisa said neatly stacking the paper money into two equal piles on the locker room floor. "As well as potential financial supporters and a win for Hanna too. This was a great day for us all!"

"I agree!" Benny said patting his pocket with a grin. The cash inside felt good to him. Being poor all the time wasn't enjoyable, to say the least. "So, what is the plan now, Lisa? Those rich men made a tempting offer."

"Well, I am not too sure yet. It might not be in my best interest to leave here. After all, with the dam being unoccupied and the town completely without power, I sense I’ll be missing a chance to get some real stable income." Lisa replied. Then she glanced at Hanna. "Besides, I have unfinished business here."

"What about after you help me?" Hanna asked quietly.

"Hmm, I'll cross that bridge when I get there." Lisa replied. "Come on. We better get going. John is probably getting worried."

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