
Chapter 72: Moab City

Moab City was unprecedented. Ever since its founding, Moab had always been nothing more than a small out of the way desert town. Laying beside the Colorado River and intersecting with Highway 191, the town was once only considered to be a lonely tourists attraction rest stop for surrounding National Parks. There were no production capabilities, no resources being mined or farmed. So, there was really not all that much reason for anyone to live here. At least not until the Nuclear Wars and many bombings came to the nation, starting with World War Three, more than two hundred years ago.

When nuclear bombs dropped on most of the USA’s state capitals and other majorly populated cities, people evacuated many of the un-bombed cities’ and took to the country sides in droves. Once barren, empty lands for miles on end soon filled with desperate people escaping radiation and war. Moab was one such location.

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