
Chapter 69: Fast Attack

"Grraaww!" The Golem roared as he charged at the Queen. His huge metal hands at the ready to grab the thin woman before him.

Queen was slightly surprised at the speed of which he approached. She had expected him to move more like a train, slowly at first then picking up speed. Fortunately, she was faster.

Jumping aside to avoid his charge, Queen made an experimental stab at his shoulder armor with her half-extended katana blade. As expected, the dull black sword pinged noisily as it glanced off the tough armor, leaving only a faint scratch.

The Golem reacted from the hit and lunged out at the Queen to catch her, but he only grasped air. Queen, for once, used her smaller size to duck under the attack. To the onlookers it looked as if a small girl was fighting a metal sumo wrestler.

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