
Chapter 59: Maintenance (2)

"Marketing Empire?" Sadie said looking at Lisa with a funny expression. "I have never heard of such a thing."

"I know it sounds funny." Lisa replied with a grunt. The rusted nut she was trying to loosen was being stubborn. If it weren't for her cybernetic arms, she couldn't have been able to do work like this, at least not without powered equipment.

"But the concept isn't unheard of." Lisa continued to explain while working. "For example, Disney, P&G, Johnson & Johnson, Amazon, Comcast, ICBC, Microsoft, JPMorgan Chase, and ExxonMobil just to name a few. All of these companies had made Billions if not Trillions of dollars since their creation. I want to get a chance to earn money just like they did. Though with the way the world is now, this is all I can think of doing to reach my goal for the moment."

"That's an interesting dream, I guess?" Sadie replied unsure of what to say. "Why did you want to make a marketing empire? Didn't you have other ideas about your future?"

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