
Chapter 11: Prep-work

Downtown had been fully controlled by Skull for so long and well, that none of the citizens dared disobey their rule. They were a gang on the surface but acted more like a cult or devious sect. All their member’s bodies were painted or tattooed with fearsome skull and bone designs that mirrored their anatomically located bones. Some of the more devoted members even wore the bleached bones of defeated rivals as both a warning and testament of their strength.

Alan Stockholm, who was known as the Bone Flayer amongst the Skull members, was no exception. He had proven himself countless times in dealing with the other gangs, civilian rebels, and in the occasional Match fight. His nickname, Bone Flayer, was aptly given thanks to his nasty fireman's tactical hammer. Using this special weapon, he had been able to sheer off numerous opponents’ arms, legs, and heads, all with one precise chop. His capabilities came from not only his skill, but his size too. He was known to be by far one of the largest and strongest persons in town other than the Head and a handful of other leaders within the Skull.

Alan’s reputation in the Skull was very well respected and he was given the rank of Hand, which was basically a lieutenant member in the Skull gang’s rankings. Only the Head, or leader, and the two Eyes, vice leaders, ranked higher than him. There were also numerous other Hands each as powerful and equally ranked as himself. However, Alan was the youngest and fastest rising member of the Skull to date, making him someone to keep an eye out for.

One proof of his skill was that now the area under the Skulls control had become increasingly boring. The people had been fully subdued, a balance had been made with the other two gangs, and river trade from outside town was steady. There was no one to fight anymore.

Alan was almost to the point of boredom where he was considering challenging the Eyes for their position, but he knew that even ‘if’ he won against them it wouldn't change the towns battle-lacking situation. The only option to sedate his restlessness was to convince the Skull to start a war with the two other gangs on their borders. The Head might not want to do this, however. Sure, they were strong and capable, but their numbers were few.

According to their spies if the Skull attacked the Black Rats, they could win. The problem was that they had to travel across the river to do so. The huge six lane bridge that once crossed over the river had been bombed in three separate locations, making it impossible to cross. So, controlling the eastern river side would be extremely difficult to maintain.

As for the Mad Dogs, their numbers were far more than the Skulls own, nearly six to one. They were also better supplied and financially equipped to engage in a prolonged fight, something the Skull wouldn’t be able to withstand. These facts didn't perturb Alan at all, for his strength alone was enough to beat the odds; at least that is what he had always boasted.

Currently Alan was traveling down Main St. and Fourth St. conducting a simple and boring patrol of the area. He had with him twenty Fingers, those that ranked below him, and fifty Feet, the lowest rank, that were conducting the patrol. As this large group walked down the center of the aging main road that had the downtown market area along it, not one of the townspeople dared look their way. They passed several market stalls, stores and places that owed them "protection" pay and collected foods, items worth trading, and in rare occasions, money.

Money in this era were typically expressed in three forms: Solid, such as coins or jewels. Paper: physical paper money. Lastly, Digital: Many people in the world, upon birth or up to the age ten, would receive an implanted pill-shaped chip put into their bodies, typically o the inside of their forearms. The chip could be scanned or picked up by Wi-Fi, and its signal would interpret how much that person owned in the bank or other saving means.

This chip system had long since replaced conventional credit and debit cards. The chips could even act as identification for the person, checking on their medical health, or a governmental means of tracking personnel. However, in this town with no electricity, all they had was simple physical coins and occasionally dollar bills and these items were even considered rare in wilderness zones such as this desolate town.

The whole patrolling and doing payment collection job day after day only bored Alan to death even further. He wanted to fight! To feel the rush of adrenaline as his very life was at risk or putting to an end of another's life, was truly addictive.

Alan spit on the pavement in disgust. "Curse that Head. If only he would command us to crush the Mad Dogs I could do it single handedly. Not one from those flea-bitten curs could beat me."

One of his Fingers overheard him. "Bone Flayer, why not just ask and see what the Head intends to do? We have been doing nothing for too long."

Apparently, Alan wasn't the only one that was bord. Then again most of the Skull members were comprised of battle crazy people like himself.

Alan gave a loud sigh. "He won't do it."

"Why not?" The Finger asked scratching the side of his head.

"He's become too content with the peace we now have. Ever since his new wife started giving birth, all he does is play and dote on them." Alan replied while waving a dismissive hand in front of his face. "As long as we're not attacked, he'll stay this way."

"But we haven't been bothered by the other gangs in any major way for nearly two years." Another Finger said listening in on their conversation.

"Exactly the problem." Alan replied sounding annoyed. Then a big crazy smile spread on his black and white skull painted face. "Bet they’re getting lazy now on the patrols. They'd be so easy to kill. He-he!"

The other two Fingers took a small step away from their crazy looking Hand. They knew if he started looking this way someone would end up in trouble. Their leader was often unpredictable.

"Y-you really think so?" One of the Fingers asked cautiously.

"Maybe so." Alan shrugged and continued, "Should we provoke them to attack us?"

"How would we do that? I doubt that we could just walk up to them and say, 'Hey, fight us.'" The other Finger said giving a light chuckle.

The first Finger leaned forward to see past Alan's huge body and scowled at the other Finger. "Don't be so stupid." Then he glanced up at Alan. "I'm sure you have something in mind Bone Flayer."

"Actually, I just might.” Alan answered as they passed over Sixth St. “All we need to do is go to the border of our territory, find an area that is important to the Mad Dogs and take it over. We won't need to fight anyone. Just force the Mad Dogs to send over their guys and tell the Head that we were being attacked first and force him to make a move."

"It's so simple of a plan though, will it really work?" The first Finger asked excitedly.

"Only one way to find out." Alan said turning to go back down Sixth St., which headed north towards their territory's boarder with the Mad Dog gang.

Seeing something was going on and they were changing direction from their normal route the rest of Alan’s crew followed close behind. Drifting amongst the other the two Fingers talked to each of them explaining the plan. Everyone's anticipation grew as no one disagreed with this plan.

War and trouble were beginning to brew.

The next morning, after a long restful night, Lisa and the other had thought up some ideas as to how Lisa was going to be in a Match and finely settled on one. It was Lisa that ended up creating the opportunity, by chance, only just the day before. When she had fought against the gangsters that were bullying Hanna, she called herself the 'Lady with the Coffin' to one of them, as well as killed many of the Mad Dog members. From this incident she already had built some kind of reputation as an enemy of the gang. So, using this incident, perhaps she could force them to do a Match to get their revenge on her?

"Let's go over the plan." Benny said to Lisa, John, and Richard. They all had gathered at Johns house to discuss what to do and were lounging about in the living room. "First, we get in contact with the gang and find out who knows about Lisa already; Richard that's your job."

The big guy nodded, and Benny continued, "John, you're going to find those people and get them to set up a Match with Lisa somehow. Try to make it sound important enough that their boss will notice."

John nodded, "This will be tricky, but I'll try to manage."

"Then Lisa, you need to win. Not that I think you can't. You'll probably fight some weaker, low rank Match fighter but you need to make the win as noticeable and amazing as possible."

Lisa nodded sleepily. She had slept on John's couch, and it had been so long since she had slept on something soft and squishy. She ended up sleeping late into the morning and wished it could have been longer.

Lisa answered while sleepily rubbing her grey eyes. "Not a problem. I can practically guarantee a crazy fight."

At that moment a squeak came from the stairs as Hanna came walking down them. The group grew quiet and turned to look at her.

"Hey there sweetie." John said gesturing to Hanna to come over. "How are you doing today?" He was trying to be as nice sounding as possible. Hanna was likely still in shock and depressed after all that had happened to her.

Hanna walked over to them slowly. Her expression was blank, and her eyes were clearly still red for crying. She sat down on the armchair next to John and leaned on his chest. John put his arm around the little girl and hugged gently.

"Don't worry Hanna, everything is going to be all right. You have us now." John said a bit unsure as what to say in this kind of situation.

Hanna ignored him slightly and looked right at Lisa sitting across from her. Tear trails were still noticeable upon her cheeks. Hanna's voice was quiet and raspy from her crying. "I heard you're going to fight those gangsters."

"Yes." Lisa replied.

Hanna kept staring at Lisa, "I saw how you beat those men from before. Make sure you make them pay. I'm too small to get back at them, but you can do it for me. Right?"

The tone of Hanna's words made the others shudder. No little girl should ever sound as cruel as this. Though she had every right to be, it felt just wrong.

"Don't worry Hanna. They won't get away with anything else." Lisa said reaching out a hand to pat Hanna's head. "I promise."

Hanna felt the friendly and confidence of Lisa's words deeply in her chest. Also, just by looking into her confident grey eyes, Hanna knew everything would be alright. This was the first incident that continually solidified the little girl's trust in Lisa.

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