

Not waiting to take a breath, another demon beast started attacking. Chen Xin dodged and swung the Claw that had been clad in Armament Haki to claw at the demon beasts that were within range of the attack.

Feeling that pain forced the demon beast to push Chen Xin away. However, it didn't wait to be pushed Chen Xin to launch the next attack and make a chunk of ice stab from the ground and pierce the demon beast's stomach. The previous wound weakened the wolf's defenses and allowed the ice to pierce its heart, killing the demon beast.

After killing the demon beast, Chen Xin waved his hand again to create a wall of ice which was useful for delaying the attacks of Legend rank 4 and 5 demon beasts.Chen Xin could feel his arms gradually go limp, the effect of losing blood, but now was not the time, Chen Xin looked at Monkey Snow wind before pouncing.

After a few minutes the battle finally culminated leaving only 3 demon stars, a 4-star Legend rank Snow Wind Wolf and Ape and a 5-star Legend Wolf.

In the previous few minutes Chen Xin had been aiming for the lowest Legend rank demon beasts constantly, even though Chen Xin launched an attack, the demon beasts were not only waiting for Chen Xin's arrival, but also attacking him.

While Chen Xin was leading the battle, Chen Xin suddenly felt as if she was in an empty world. Countless demon beasts died around, countless demon beast souls died floating in the air. Chen Xin felt countless soul force gather into him. All of this soul force rushed into Chen Xin's soul realm, with no intention of stopping.


Under the influence of all these soul words, Chen Xin's soul realm frantically surged, feeling as if it was about to explode. Chen Xin's brows were tightly locked.

Chen Xin instantly recovered slowly, so much soul force had flowed into his soul realm, Chen Xin's soul force was slowly filling up as a result of the battle.

Chen Xin knew the reason soul force entered his body and filled his soul force, with so many demon beasts that had been killed on the battlefield, there would be a large amount of soul force coming out of their bodies. Luckily Chen Xin didn't fall in this state, as a result of too much soul force that was directed towards Chen Xin's body.

" ooks like I'm lucky, because I can't use the Immortal God Technique, which keeps me from falling into a daze at this time of battle, "Chen Xin said with a sigh of luck. As a result of the Eternal God Technique, all of the demon beast soul power that entered Chen Xin's body was not immediately attacked, which made Chen Xin not bother with the amount of soul force that went into his datian.

"And I'm lucky that my spiritual power recovered a little bit," said Chen Xin.

Chen Xin immediately turned towards the remaining demon beasts, because Chen Xin didn't want to be attacked in an unprepared state.

Chen Xin knew those 3 demon beasts were the leaders of the demon beast horde which made them even smarter and cunning. They knew Chen Xin's condition on the surface and made a plan. How could Chen Xin not guess that they wanted to do something.

Chen Xin didn't wait for them and attacked. Chen Xin used quick steps towards the Snow Wind Ape, because Chen Xin wanted to save the wolf for the final opponent because wolves had sharper senses and had fast movements. Ape used his hand to block his retaliation and prepared to hit him with another, when Chen Xin wanted to dodge, Chen Xin was attacked by another wolf, while the third was ready to attack him from behind. That attack caused Chen Xin to have to block 3 incoming attacks.

"This wolf is quite smart. I won't be hit by this surprise attack for the third time ", Chen Xin saw that and sighed in his mind. When a flash of lightning appeared at Chen Xin's feet, Chen Xin stepped forward in front of the monkey, as the wolf that was ready to attack Chen Xin from behind started its ambush, Chen Xin threw a flame towards the back and immediately dodged it quickly.

Chen Xin knew that the flames would be of no use against the wolf, but only for the sight of the wolf that was about to attack at its full strength. When Chen Xin dodged, the wolf immediately charged forward and hit the monkey.


"ARGH!", The snow wind monkey growled because it was being attacked by the wolf whose strength was above it. Chen Xin kicked the wolf on the side and flew it away. It took a while for the three demon beasts to wake up. Meanwhile, Chen Xin used its claws and fangs to pounce on a 4-star Legend rank Wolf, because the wolf knew that it was going to die, the wolf also tried to bite Chen Xin.

"ARGH", Chen Xin growled, released the wolf bite and shook the wolf's neck.

"Damn I lost so much blood," said Chen Xin.

Chen Xin saw the state of the other demon beasts, the Snow Wind Ape's belly was severely torn due to the Wolf's claws and the Wolf was still in good condition.

"If I didn't end it now I would bleed a lot," Chen Xin said.

As Chen Xin attacked and fired a large block of ice, the Wolf was not ready and had to immediately jump, rotating its body to avoid the sharp block of ice. Feeling that the wolf didn't notice Chen Xin where the wolf was about to land, Chen Xin appeared with a swift motion and used his claws to try to attack his head. When Chen Xin's claws got close to the wolf's head, the wolf used its tail to throw Chen Xin into the air.

Chen Xin tried to get up as she felt his body getting weaker, Chen Xin shot a Fireball to catch his breath, but only created a dead end. When the wolf canceled the Fireball and fired Chen Xin. Chen Xin used his wall of ice to try to retreat again.

After dozens of punches, that Chen Xin finally stopped moving to confirm Wolf's state. Chen Xin gasped for breath while covered in blood and saw that Wolf was 1 step away from death. When Chen Xin wanted to use his last strike, Chen Xin suddenly felt the wolf's strength getting stronger.

Feeling that something was wrong Chen Xin immediately launched 2 attacks at once, "Fire Ball" Ice Spear ".


A while later when Chen Xin's attack ended, Chen Xin saw the state of the injured Wolf, but the wolf underwent a change.

Chen Xin shouted, "MUTATION !, Damn why at the last time like this the wolf even mutated!".

In the final seconds of the battle the Wolf mutated and underwent a significant change.

The wolf's body became a little bigger, the claws got longer and the fur grew black and pointed.

When he saw the change in Wolf, Chen Xin didn't think much and immediately ran away using all the running techniques that could add to Chen Xin's speed.

'I have to run, if I get hit by him attack I'll die.

Next chapter