
Connections (1)

"Even the Underworld rejects these Sluaghs," Thana said.

Li Yang pulled his blade out from a creature and stared at her. "What?"

All around them hung an even thicker stench of death. If this place was an immaterial plane full of Spirits from various paths of the universe, now the cloud of demise and finality was prevalent and overrode the blank state.

The Grim Reaper placed her foot on top of the spirit's chest and ignored its attempts at mauling her with its crooked beak. Her eyes glowed like pale stars and shone down on the dark entity's body.

She held the scythe in her hand tightly and stared down at the creature. Almost ignoring the man's question in lieu of staring down at the creatures hindering her duties.

"And so they roam freely and take the weak ones to their ultimate deaths. Where did you take this Luo Ju Di? Do you know of her name—of this woman's life?"

It responded with a monstrous screech.

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