The story is fine. the writing is nIce and the grammer is good. But the characters aRe horrendous. First of all this novel is filled with clishes The mc is literally the stereotypical “broken” op mc who kills everyone. morels are none existant, some of the main characters and many of them would be clasified as the big Bads as they are literally arrogent, manipulative, bloodthirstly warmongering family But are somehow mc’s friends for no reason in particular. Mc is dumb and makes snarky comments, And never takes anything siriously again that sterotypical op broken mc. he fights and gets hit for no reason when he could have easily dodged. Its a edGy Book for edgy teens who think being cynical And edgy is cool. Stupid mc, Supid characters. And the good ones get killed off by author for next to no reasons.