
Damián y Smith

Haaaa.....(mental sigh)

Doing things like this is always very exhausting,

It is not easy to control other people's minds from so far away and for so long.

That's right, the person in the white coat in Mr. Smith's office was me, or to be more specific, it was me controlling his son's mind,

How did I manage to control the mind of Mr. Smith's son? Very simple, the damn son is one of the scientists who experiment on me.

It took me 2 weeks to learn how to control people's minds and from there, I discovered that I can mark a mind with some remote commands.

You may wonder why a guy like Mr. Smith who is a police chief would have a son working in an illegal secret lab, right?

The answer is much simpler,

Because Mr. Smith recommended it, Mr. Smith's son, Damien, is from that small part of the population of this world that does not have a quirk, Mr. Smith heard that the goal of these laboratories was to create a way to deliver Quirks to other people,

When Mr. Smith found out about this he made a deal with the heads of the laboratories, they would give his son a Quirk and he would turn a blind eye to everything related to the laboratories.

Eventually Damien found out about his father's deal and instead of convincing him to denounce the damned who were doing experiments on me, the son of a bitch asked to be allowed to help.

Damien graduated from college with a PhD in bioengineering and chemistry, and he was something of a genius.

Thanks to him the labs made great progress with their projects but unfortunately for Damien one of those projects was me.

Taking control of Damien's body was not very difficult, when I managed to control him I made him go to his father and in front of him I showed him that his son was under my control, and that if I wanted him not to destroy his son's mind then he would help me destroy the labs and set me free.

At first he refused, but when I took a knife and pointed it at his son's neck he became very cooperative.

This last week I have been preparing everything for my escape and tomorrow will be the big day.

Very soon I will be free....

I can hear the panic of the person outside, that means my plans worked.

I can feel my surroundings shaking, the heroes are close, now I can get out.

In the laboratory where our protagonist was, you can see many bodies on the floor bleeding and a young man is standing in front of a huge tube full of some strange blue liquid and inside this tube he had a white-haired boy with many wires connected to his brain.

The man in front of the tube approaches a control paper, presses some buttons and when he finishes the body inside the tube begins to move....

I can slowly feel my eyes open and I can move, finally after all this time, I have finally regained control of my body.

"It worked! .... yes!!!!...

My eyes look around and I see that I am in a strange room full of dead scientists,

It is natural that this place is like this, I gave the order to Damien that when the heroes will begin their assault on the laboratory he will close this room and kill everyone inside to free me.

Well I think you are no longer necessary Damien.

I gave the mental order to Damien to hold a gun to his head and when he was about to have him shoot. Someone interrupted us.

"Stop!!!! That was not part of the deal!


the first chapters are short to make space and meet the goal of the 5 chapters

Next chapter