
Ch.30 Last Hit Beater?!

As they were about to set out from the hall just outside the arsenal, the floor under them let out a grating sound. Before they can react, the whole floor collapsed.

Fortunately that thick layer of secretion below them saved the group. Even though they fell from ten meters high, the secretion kept them from getting any injuries. Especially Zero and Zheng, they were able to sit right up immediately.

As Zheng sat up, he immediately started shooting above him. He could feel that danger was approaching, and the source was right on top of him! Since the start of this movie, he had sensed danger a few times, but never once was it as strong as this time.

Sure enough, a large shadow dropped down from the floor above them. With a loud boom, it landed in front of the six people. Zheng looked at it carefully, it was an immensely huge Alien!

Its three times as big as a normal Alien, seven to eight meters tall, and over twenty meters long including its tail. This monster was just like the stuff of nightmares! Zheng couldnt even see its movements before its tail lashed at his belly. With enormous pain, he was sent flying over ten meters away.

Mean while with Kris... just before he could steady himself, he hastily rolled to his left dodging the passing form of Zheng. Due to the sudden action, he did not see the debri sticking from the layer of secretion and it stabbed his left shoulder. Racking him with pain, vision blurry; he activated his lightsaber.

Not a second after the whoosh! of the blade, a menecing claw swipe at him. Using the lightsaber to parry the claw, he let the momentum carry him across the room; distancing himself from the enemy.

This was the Alien Queen! And it was much bigger than the one in the movie.

The Queens speed was so fast that in the blink of an eye, her tail sent Zheng flying. With a loud bang, Zheng landed over ten meters away. The rest of them recovered from the initial shock, but they were already standing right under the Queens mouth. There was no place to hide.

Zeros reaction was the fastest. The moment Kris was hit, he rolled to the side and at the same time started shooting at the Queens head. The bullets hit the Queens shell but all of them were repelled. Their contact ignited sparks, you could see how hard the shell was.

Zeros aim was good enough that some of the bullets hit her tongue. Yellow blood splashed from her tongue. She started to scream like crazy and turned around as she swiped at Zero. Luckily Zero rolled forward with a close call. This swipe only scratched his back and blood started flowing out.

Xuan was the second one to recover. His eyes became sharp. He ran toward the Queen. When he was several meters away from her, he accurately hit the Queens tongue with dual pistols. Consecutive shots crushed the front of the tongue into pieces.

The Queens scream got even louder. She lashed her tail at Xuan. Before he could even react, the tail hit his left shoulder and knocked him over to one of the cases ten meters away. His whole body got embedded into the steel case.

Zero never stopped shooting with his submachine gun. He kept circling on the side of the Queen, avoiding her tongue and tail. But no matter fast he ran, the Queen was faster than him. She suddenly turned around and, as Zero tried to roll away, her claw had already gotten ahold of his left arm. At the same time that tongue shot into his right arm, no, it crushed his right arm. Zeros right arm totally disappeared.

Zero let out a painful cry. Blood flowed out from his mouth. A piece of his lung had also disappeared in the attack, resulting in blood in his breaths. Fortunately, the Queen didnt immediately kill him, instead she started devouring the flesh of his right arm.

Lan only recovered after Zeros cry. She raised the desert eagle with trembling hands and started pulling the trigger, it was a unlimited ammo weapon after all. The power of this gun actually shot through the Queens shell. Even though it didnt seem to damage her all that much. It created over ten little holes on the Queen.

The Queen threw Zero away and turned to Lan and Jie. Then she started screaming.

Kris wasn't severely injured by the aliens attack but as the effects of his self concocted brew fades so does his parameters, he body is now going thru a period of adjustment.

So he could only watch the battle scene play on, when Zero started attacking, and Xuan got knocked away, the Queen crushed Zeros right arm, and now as the Queen faced Lan and Jie.

The still down Zheng was injured yet conscious, causing him to grow more and more anxious. And as he lost more and more blood through his broken intestines, he was starting to go unconscious.

And as tension keeps building, Zheng felt that sensation of something within him unlocking again. Loads of information streamed into his brain, including how long he can last in this state, how to recover his strength as soon as possible, how to use the blood energy that he had, and much more information on how he can survive!

Zheng stood up. His instincts took control of the blood energy and circulated it through his whole body. This increased his vitality temporarily. Then he tied a knot with his intestines, so that they wouldnt hinder his movements. That pain was originally unimaginable, but at this moment, it felt more like a stimulant. The pain constantly stimulated him, keeping his mind conscious.

The Queen was now running toward Lan and Jie, her claw swiped at the two. Jie knocked Lan away as he tried to roll away. But the Queen was faster. Lan barely got away but the Queen caught Jie during his roll. She held him up with a claw pierced into his left chest. Jie cough out a lot of blood. Its uncertain if his heart was injured or even if he was still alive.

Zhengs eyes were bloody red. He pulled out the steel bar from behind him and charged at the Queen at incredible speed, every step he took crossed several meters. As he approached the Queen, he jumped up over three meters high. He pulled the grenades ring with his teeth then stabbed the bar it was tied to into the Queens waist. At the same time, a claw knocked him away.

With the explosion came the Queens cry. The grenade blasted a large hole in the monsters waist!

The alien queen was heavily damaged by the explosion, Which lead it to a frenzy and was now going berserk.

Zheng saw how all his efforts go to waste and could not help but feel like his whole world crumbled. His consciousness was fading, Zheng could feel his body turning cold. He knew this was the prelude to dying. It was said that someone could struggle for several minutes after being nearly bisected at the waist. If it was in a frozen state, some people could even struggle for over half an hour. But he had already suffered critical injuries, after his waist was cut, he was about to die any second now.

But then at the edge of his vision could see a small dot of light poking thru the alien queen's gapping maw, a bright green dot of light and as he was about to focus his vision on the spot behind it throat, only seeing a blurry form of a person; his whole vision went dark.

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